Map by Joseph E. Forks |
Jeff Davis county is primarily an upland county, with the Davis Mountains and surrounding plateau making up the bulk of the county. In the extreme western part of the county, lies the only other mountain range in Jeff Davis county, the Sierra Viejas. Jeff Davis county is made up predominately of Tertiary volcanic rocks and gravels eroded from these formations. Jeff Davis county encompasses 2,259 square miles. CLIMATEJeff Davis county receive an average of about 18.5" of rain per year, with the mountainous areas receiving slightly more, and the grassland areas somewhat less. Pinyon-juniper-oak habitats dominate the mountainous areas, with a scattering of Ponderosa pine at the higher, wetter elevations. Jeff Davis county is much grassier than most counties where alterna are found, with extensive grasslands dominating much of the western portion of the county, and grasses are also common in the Pinyon-juniper-oak habitats of the uplands. POPULATION Jeff Davis county has a population of 2,062 individuals - a population that is growing fairly steadily. Most individuals live in the vicinity of Ft. Davis. Valentine is the only other community. Business here is primarily cattle ranching.POPULAR L. alterna LOCALITIES Gray-banded Kingsnakes can be found throughout the Davis Mountains along the roadways in any areas where extensively fractured rock outcrops are present. Roads collected include TX Hwys 17, 118, and 166, as well as FM 1832 and 1837. Boy Scout Road, FM 1832A long-time favorite road among snake collectors, this road actually has only about 2-3 miles of good alterna habitat along it, although a number of alterna have been collected here. On weekend nights, traffic can be high along this road as parents drop their kids off at the scout camp. DO NOT TRESSPASS onto the Scout camp property! Habitat
Specimens Limpia Canyon, TX 17 Tx 118 - between Ft Davis and McDonald Observatory HabitatSpecimens
McDonald Observatory, Tx 118 Specimens Musquiz Canyon, TX 118 |