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Welcome to the Neurergus Books homepage - established in 1998 this new independent small press will be concentrating   on the publication of limited-edition specialist amphibian titles. Future titles are planned in all areas of this fascinating vertebrate class including species & genera-specific husbandry and field guides covering local regions and states to provinces and countries. The first title - The Golden Mantella Handbook - an 80 page hardback title written by myself was published in October 1998 and even prior to publication was already an amazing success selling over 40% of the projected number to be produced.

There are no great plans to make this a major publishing house. The concept behind this small press is to publish specialist titles which larger publishers will overlook simply because they are simply that - too specialist. If you have an idea for an amphibian title then I will only be too happy to discuss it (although we only have the funds to produce two titles per year) or if there are any subjects you would like to see covered please email me in the first instance.


Current Titles

The Golden Mantella Handbook
Marc Staniszewski (October 1998)
Hardback with Colour Dustcover
80 pages, 27 monochrome & 8 colour plates
RRP £20.00/$38.00. Limited to 800 copies.

Available only via this website, Amazon.com and
from the US book seller -
Zoo Book Sales/Serpents Tale

In Progress

Fire-bellied Newts (Cynops species) in Captivity
Marc Staniszewski (due December 2000)
Information Page available from September 2000

The Green & Black Poison Dart Frog
Author to be announced (due July 2001)
Information Page available from March 2001

All rights reserved. No unauthorised copies of any aspect of this web page
may be copied in any way, shape or form without prior permission of
Marc Staniszewski
© Marc Staniszewski 2000

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