Dec 11, 2001
Wayne Hill
Reptile Expos and their future...

jeffb tonight our guest is Wayne Hill, Reptile Expo Emprasrio Extrodinaire
whill I am here

SnakesAndStuff Hello
Limp_Boa hey
jeffb He is going to chat with us about Reptile Expos and their future...
ReptileFreak18 hey
jeffb Welcome Wayne...
SnakesAndStuff matt2: you there?
snakeizz hey wayne
KingOZ *clapping*
whill thanks glad to be here
vettesherps Hi Wayne

matt2 folks; allow jeffB to speak, please
jeffb Before we get started ... we need to post the rules for tonights chat
ReptileFreak18 hi wayne

This is a moderated guest chat.
whill hello to all

Do not ask a question or post until the moderator tells you its your turn
jeffb Moderators have an @ in front of their names.
jeffb Please do not ask questions that are off topic or of a general herp nature. These are topic based chats please
jeffb be aware of the topic before entering the room. If you want to "general" chat please go to the HerpChat Chat
jeffb Room
jeffb Moderators will kick/ban users for violating posted rules.
jeffb No slanderous comments.
jeffb No obcenities or profanity.
jeffb Don't "JUMP NAMES" to better your position in the list.
jeffb Please have your question prepared before you are asked to post.
jeffb Good evening wayn,,,,
whill hello jeff
jeffb I will give my question to the moderator.... Matt2 go ahead

Just a quick note before I pass, please do not pm me folks and please abide for rules
matt2 also, ya can ask 1 question and then 1 foloowup q

No question for "The King" just congratulations on a good job, enjoy the wealth!

In your opinion, what do you feel are the best areas for growth within the reptile industry?
whill The most growth it looks like is in the food for reptiles area, that is the biggest increase in tables request for the shows that I do anyway.
ATR thanks

Buzztail1 do you expect to see an increase or decrease in shows that allow venomous?
whill As you know I don't allow venomous because of insurance problems so I would guess they would stay the same % of the shows they are now because of this next
Buzztail1 f/up
Buzztail1 will there be an Easter Show this year in Jax?

Hey Wayne - how's it going? Bonnie
whill There will be a spring show in Jax this april 7th week end but that will be a week after Easter, last year our attendance was down some because it was on Easter next

any real threat from the salmonella scare or other herp bans? thanks
jeffb This is a moderated guest chat.
jeffb Do not ask a question or post until the moderator tells you its your turn
jeffb Moderators have an @ in front of their names.
jeffb Please do not ask questions that are off topic or of a general herp nature. These are topic based chats please
matt2 sorry, wayne, seems you're quite popular here tonight
jeffb be aware of the topic before entering the room. If you want to "general" chat please go to the HerpChat Chat
jeffb Room
jeffb Moderators will kick/ban users for violating posted rules.
jeffb No slanderous comments.
jeffb No obcenities or profanity.
jeffb Don't "JUMP NAMES" to better your position in the list.
jeffb Please have your question prepared before you are asked to post.
kevinvinal ok
whill I think the only scare I see on the horizon is the exotic shows that are part herps and the rest is petting zoo, someone is going to take a bite and if it is a small child the reaction by state legislatures will shut down reptile expos next

DaleW any plans for an expo in Las Vegas?
whill I don't have plans for any show outside of Florida, too many state and local laws to put up with and I had rather do One or two show well than 6 or 8 just so so. next

Erik_ why are there few shows and not large in the northwest?
whill I can only guess, not as many herpers in the northwestern states? Or maybe everyone is waiting for you to put on a really good one? next

JimG Do you see the tightened security of both air and ground carriers as something that will increase attendance at shows?
whill That is one I have asked myself, could be that people drive a few miles(500 or so) to a good show and bring home their hand picked reptile or it might work some other way no one has even guessed at. next

K-roc ok. i was just wondering what herps you have in your personal collection (if you have one) thanks
whill I did venomous snakes for 30 years and then a few years back I saw my turtles and tortoises were gaining ground and my snakes were losing ground and now I have 5 or 6 hundred turtles and the big tortises and just a hand full of snakes. next
K-roc do you miss working with the snakes

Do you have a conservation mission for your collection & activities?
whill Yes, I do Fla Indigos and red amazon tree boas but not the same rush as breeding tiapans. next
K-roc thanks again
whill I am a member of the Turtle Survival Alliance and am active in setting up breeding colonies of near exstence speices so down the road we will have the groups to produce young for reintroduction if the world changes and allows it. next

what is your fav. species of lizard?
whill I just sold my breeding colony of R.leachianus after breeding them for 7 or 8 years but I think I like the hot ones best. next

KingOZ What is being done by the reptile industry to protect the right to keep reptiles?
jeffb This is a moderated guest chat.
jeffb Do not ask a question or post until the moderator tells you its your turn
jeffb Moderators have an @ in front of their names.
jeffb Please do not ask questions that are off topic or of a general herp nature. These are topic based chats please
jeffb be aware of the topic before entering the room. If you want to "general" chat please go to the HerpChat Chat
jeffb Room
jeffb Moderators will kick/ban users for violating posted rules.
jeffb No slanderous comments.
jeffb No obcenities or profanity.
jeffb Don't "JUMP NAMES" to better your position in the list.
jeffb Please have your question prepared before you are asked to post.
matt2 sorry, wayne did you finish w/a response?
whill In Florida we have just had a herper seated on the Anianl Industry Advisory Councel to represent the reptile industry. This is a group that advises the AG Dept on animal issues. On the national front PIJAC is doing good thins with herpers to be our reps in DC .next

yay it's my turn do u think you'll have a south fl show ever
whill I don't see it now the herpers up in the artic circle( north of gainsville) have to drive or fly a far distance to get to Daytona as it is so that is why I put my 2nd show in Jax to cut down on driving time for the SE herpers that come. next

just curious, but what species of venomous did you work with in the past? ever been envenomated?
twogoochy Does anyone know where I can get the plastic channeling used for glass or plexiglass when building cutom enclosures ?
whill I was the 1st breeder of albino cobras in 93-94 (see IHS from Columbus) and did the real hot ones from down under, I did have a hot bite , Russell's viper, but pulled through, this is one reason I founded the Florida anti-venom bank with funds raised art the expo that has saved 21 lives so far. next

Mattmorelia Have you considered moving the expo back to Orlando and maybe into the Orange County convention center to truly expand the size and layout of the expo? It would accomodate many more tables than it currently does, offer a better room layout in my opinion and would make it more "central" to Florida once again. Not to mention Orlando is a much nicer city and more convenient for a majority air travelers. (Plus, I loathe Daytona!(it's
KyleH- thank you
Mattmorelia a bum-town))
whill Expand the size? last year at Daytona we had 550 tables, that makes it the largest in the world and Orlando is too tinsel town , it is convenient for air travel but to get to the O county center you would have to ride a bus not step across the street as in Daytona, there is lots more to doing a show this size than meets the eye .

NajaAnja Why do you claim the heartwater disease came from a breeder in Tampa when it was first recorded at your facility?
Erik_ yea I was wondering that too (sorry)
jeffb Heartwater disease is not native to ticks found in the US, only a specific type of tic found on reptiles imported from africa
NajaAnja ok??
Erik_ still the question was not answered
whill I don't know what you mean I claim? I claim no such thing, I had tortises at my home that had ticks on them when they were imported that are the right type but no heartwater was found, a tampa importer ( a friend of mine)had ticks that show signs of being exposed to heartwater and that was a near as anybody got to having it as far as I know. next

so how can anyone say it came from anywhere other than africa?
NajaAnja i meant in the states
Randal_B Wayne, tell us about you G. hamiltoni project
Randal_B give Peggy our best!
whill The G.hamiltoni is the best looking turtle I have ever bred, I have produced 300 of them in the last 6 or 7 years but I can not sell them across state lines because they are on the endangered speices list, I can sell them to herpers in jax or tallahassee but not Atlanta, what nonsense! I plan to have 1,000 in the next 5 years and will be able to send some back to India or Pakistan if they can protect them, they should be a na

jeffb Wayne I want to thank you for being our guest tonight
jeffb and I would like to invite you back
whill I thank everone that tuned in

yes, wayne, thanks so much for taking of your time here tonight
herpinboy i never got to ask a question :(
jeffb as I know there are lots of people here who have more questions for you
jordrod92 thanx wayne
ReptileFreak18 me either
KyleH- thanx wayne
whill I will be back as needed
jeffb thanks wayne....
ReptileFreak18 thanks
drewG Have you had much success keeping (*alive*) Chitra in captivity?
matt2 herpinboy, be patient..this is the biggest Guestchat room I have ever seen
drewG oops had to get that in
herpinboy yeah me too bill
whill I have 5 but one 5 yr captive died this week
herpinboy 50 ppl
drewG thanks
TimJ Chitra chitra?
whill no indica
TimJ ok
vettesherps Night all
Randal_B thanks Wayne!