Chat Transcript Auust 22nd 2002
Randal Berry
A Career in Herp Zoo Keeping

amazoa - How did you get started working with Herps in zoos and what zoos have you been at?
SirRandal - Yikes! I started with herps very early, as a child, and have always had a collection at home, I started at the Ellen Trout Zoo, in Lufkin, Tx, then went to the Caldwell Zoo, in Tyler, and ended up at Little Rock, next

arb[]reals - randle i am going to go to santa fe community college cause i can't get into U.F. with my grades but i will be transfering in after 2 yrs. Do they have good herp classes and would they set me up for a career in zoo's/reps?
SirRandal - I thonk they do (U.F.) Santa Fe is a great start. next

KelliH - hi randal, I was wondering what you were working with at home in your private collection? I think you keep a fairly large collection, any favorites?
SirRandal - Sure Kelli, Ovophis, and Lachesis,and TURTLES!!!, Torts, etc. next

SnakesAndStuff - Hey Randal, long time no see! What do you think about venomous reptile keeping in the public sector? Do you sometimes think that there are people getting in it that don't have any business in it? Is it self correcting and do these individuals weed themselves out over time?
SirRandal - I think so Bob, nothing is better than experience with hot's, whether in the home or the zoo, next

vettesherps - Randal, What do you consider the most challenging snake to deal with and why?
AGodambe - Randal, are you still coming to the ETHS show Sep 6, 7 and 8? I told you I'd give you a ride from IAH
SirRandal - wow, there are so many! Probably Gold's Tree Cobra's, and small montain rattlesnakes, (due to diet's, etc) next

matt2 - my turn; Randal, are there any special herp projects underway at your zoo..or about to be soon?
SirRandal - not really Matt2, I have submitted a budget for the coming year to include lasger exhibits, for example, Alligator Snapping Turtles display, etc
SirRandal - larger

amazoa - Not all folks in zoos are appreciative of individuals keeping herps in private collections. I am good friends with Vic Morgan who has been more successful then any zoo in the world producing Emys Pheri the black burmese mountain tortoise. What is your feeling toward the private sector being really involved in keeping especially endangered species?

AGodambe - Like I said Sir Randal - the ETHS show
SirRandal - I think it is wonderful that the private sector is involved! Not many years ago, zoo's out-bred the privates 10 to 1, now the oppsite is true, and zoo's need to recognize this and participate with the private sector! I have been to Vic's place in Jax, and it's great!, next
SirRandal - Andreww, sorry, won't be there this year!

Herpo - randal, how hard is it to get on at a zoo, and to rise to a position where you can make a living wage?
SirRandal - well, nowadays it's hard to get in the field, because of academic requirements are tough. I was laucky, got in early, had experience with a private collection, and basically bluffed my way end! hahaha! really though, you will make a decent living wage, but don't go into the zoo field expecting to make great money, you go into it because you love the animals,,next

KelliH - Who would you say you looked up to the most when you were young, as far as herpetologists/herpetoculturists?
SirRandal - Ditmars, Steve Hammack, (just kidding, he's a great guy) but basically Raymond Ditmars because of his experiences in South America with Bushmasters! I found, next that romantic and exciting!
KelliH - LOL, i always looked up to Steve Hammack myself
SirRandal - lol
KelliH - cool, thank you

Mnauta - what are the differences between caring for a zoo collection and a more private collection?
SirRandal - Vet care! well at the zoo, it's free, in the private sector,,you pay! ,,next

SiriLin - I have a bachelor's degree and I've been trying to get into a zoo position as an animal keeper. I don't have experience in an accreditied place. Any suggestions how I could improve my chances of being hired.
SirRandal - Check out the AZA Communique job listings. Also contact zoo's in your area or state and ask! Take anything they offer, to get your foot in the door! I worked hoofed animals, prmites, etc, for a few years until I slid into the reptile dept. It was great experience though! next

vettesherps - How is it that occassionally I see posted on Kingsnakes classified ads for snakes from a particular zoo being sold by an individual? Do they sell them to the public?
SirRandal - Some zoo's do, however, sometimes a particular animal has zoo lineage, once removed, and the seller advertises them as captive born, bred at a zoo. next

matt2 - my turn; Randal, is your zoo going into, or is, in a big way for endangered herp breeding? If so, what traget species
SirRandal - target species for us is the Eastern Indigo

amazoa - Is your zoo involved in receving any of the TSA confiscated turtles and tortoises that came into Miami a few months ago?
SirRandal - No, and I wish we were. I am a TSA member, and love turtles. Rick Hudson at the Ft.Worth Zoo is involved with this program and he knows that he can count on me to help place some of the animals in the future
amazoa - good

arb[]reals - randle what should i major in to get into such a feild as zoo's and reps? I am 17 so off to college next yr. Also can you work with reptiles and small mammals or is it just one?
SirRandal - arb, Biology/zoology would suffice, a lot of zoo's will have you work various animals, be it herps or mammals, depending on what is shared in the area. Go for it! The experience with animals other than herps, is tremendous and rewarding. next

Herpo - randal, how does one go about getting snakes from zoos?
Herpo - I'm not a huge dealer who has tens of thousands to spend, nor nifty stuff to trade them
SirRandal - Contacts with zoo personal is a good start, knowing someone in the field who can vouch for you, zoo's are very paranoid these days about releasing animals, esp. hot's, to the private sector because of liability,

SiriLin - In the job arena again, I have been applying for almost anything (except fish and primates), I guess I'll just keep trying. I'm trying to land a paid internship with the institution with the largest herp collection in my area. Also, have you ever cared for any lateral fold lizards, like the Ophisaurus (Sheltipusik)?
SirRandal - yes, I have husbaned them, they are pretty staright-forward as legless lizards go, anyway, keep applying, so a desire when you interview and follow-up the interview. Bug them! Keep trying! next

SnakesAndStuff - Randal, I am curious as to how flexible your schedule is as a zoo keeper, and how easy it is for you to get off of work?
SirRandal - hahahahaha! I hope my boss doesn't see this! My schedule is flexible on days when I don't have to feed animals, however, there is always exhibits to improve, and I like to multi-task and keep

vettesherps - Randal, Most zoos have come out against private collections siting that they receive poor care and that there is a lack of knowledge in the private sector, Do they actually have any facts to back this train of thought or is it pretty much the same philosophy as the U.S. Humane Society?
SirRandal - I believe that the majority of private keepers, (with experience) keep their animals as healthy as zoo's do, and as far as the Humane Societys scare on salmonella in the pet trade, I think it's a bluff, saying that reptiles are dangerous

matt2 - Randal, do you have the opportunity or in near future to herp/study other areas of the world at zoo expense
SirRandal - My zoo allows me to travel to conferences, etc,, as long as it is in my field, and they allow me time off and expenses

amazoa - Randal if I were going to worm my red foot tortoises with liquid panacur what would be the best food item to inject it in....since I can't get the little guys mouth open. Also Greg Lepara (head herp currator) at the jax zoo will be talking to our local herp society in Sept. Do you know Greg?
SirRandal - I know Greg well, saw him in Daytona last week, I would use powdered panacus, sprinkle it on the diet, not much! and repeat in 10 days
SirRandal - panacur
amazoa - thanks

CoreyS - what are your feelings on how the USFWS treats the law abiding private sector.
Kee-Low - lol
CoreyS - (you dont have to answer that)
SirRandal - I LOVE the USFWS! (you know that!) next

Kee-Low - have you ever thought of going overseas to work in another zoo, or to do field work with bushmasters?
Kee-Low - similar query as earlier but i couldnt be bothered thinking of another
SirRandal - yes, on both. I would like to go to London to work at Regents Park Zoo, because I love Europe, and yes, I would love to go to South America and tromp around in the rainforest for Bushmasters all night! next

SiriLin - What are your feelings on the wild caught animal trade? And, aside from hots, what has been the hardest reptile to give medication to?
SirRandal - Tortoises, as far as giving meds to. I like wild-caught animals because they are a new bloodline,,next

SnakesAndStuff - SirRandal: How well is the Zoo Docent program doing? Is it still active?
SirRandal - YES! It is a great program for people who want to keep their day to day jobs and still work at the zoo! We depend on them, and it's a great learning experience for

matt2 - my turn and a bit off topic, but my son wanted me to ask..does your zoo have any sloths?
SirRandal - Yes, Two-Toed Sloths. Great animals, slow moving, but when they want to defend themself, they can do it very quickly, they slash with their front legs, (sharp claws),, next

amazoa - What kind of monitors does your zoo have..which ones are you having success breeding?..any komodo's -
SirRandal - No Komodos, we have Niles and Crocodile monitors, not breeding, as we have a male of each

arb[]reals - what is the most exotic reptile you have delt with? What is the rarest reptile your working with now at the zoo? any chondro/emmie's i find that zoos have the most differen't looking of the chondros in some cases
SirRandal - I have 3 Chondro's at the zoo, as far as the most exotic,,,that's hard, I used to manage a huge reptile dealership, and saw almost every rare herp in the world, next

CoreyS - does your zoo take donations of animals, and if so are there any they would like.
SirRandal - Fly River Turtles Corey! hahahah! actually for my collection! Yes, we take donations from the public, but steer clear of green iggy's and Ball's,,,next
CoreyS - you dont want flys
CoreyS - atleast not from me
SirRandal - lol

- Do you think full spectrum lighting for herps improves their overall health? For all herps, not just the ones that have to have it.
SirRandal - No, I don't think full spectrum lighting is nessasary for most snakes, however for turtles/torts/lizards, is is needed, next

SnakesAndStuff - SirRandal: When I come back down, can I pet the Tapir?
SirRandal - what Tapir?
SirRandal - How about our Gorilla?
SnakesAndStuff - SURE!
SnakesAndStuff - (My mom is on display again?)

matt2 - Randall we are up on..or a little past the hour..would you like to continue on for another 20 mins?, your choice
SirRandal - ssh! Bobby, you weren't supposed to tell anyone
SirRandal - sure, if anyone has any questions
CoreyS - i do

amazoa - Do you folks breed your own rodents at the zoo or purchase privately?
SirRandal - we get them donated from a food supplier. I breed my own at home

CoreyS - does the zoo keep any hots? and if so, any asian hots
SirRandal - yes, Trimersurus albolabris, Calleoselasma rhodostoma, Liasis savuensis, I think thats all

SirRandal - oop's sorry for the savu's
SirRandal - also, a lot of other hots

amazoa - What was the top 3 animals you saw at the big show in Daytona this past weekend?
SirRandal - Jet Black Ball Pythons, Pie-Bald Ball Pythons, and a zillion other Ball Pythons, next

SnakesAndStuff - SirRandal: Are you aware of any private or public collections in Arkansas that is better than the Little Rock Zoo's?
SnakesAndStuff - Is there any chance at it at all?
SirRandal - Shame on you Bobby! You know there isn't a better collection of herps any where in the state except for the zoo's, (or mine), next

matt2 - welp, folks this concludes tonight's #Guestchat
SirRandal - Like my last question? LoL
matt2 - on behalf of Jeffb, and myself we thank Randal very much for taking of his time to be w/us tonight
amazoa - Thanks Randal and matt put in a good word for know!!!!goodnight
SirRandal - Thanks everybody
matt2 - those of you interested in continuing chatting please join us in #kingsnake