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August 1998 Summary

Table of Contents
  • General Summary Statistics
  • Visitor Profile by Origin
  • Visitor Profile by Origin (Graph)
  • Top Requested Files
  • Top Requested Files (Graph)
  • Activity by File Content
  • Activity by File Content (Graph)
  • Host Report
  • Hosts by Requests (Graph)
  • Top Visitors Countries/Zones
  • Top Visitors Countries/Zones (Graph)
  • Activity by Hour of Day
  • Activity by Hour of Day (Graph)
  • Activity by Day of Week
  • Activity by Day of Week (Graph)
  • Peak Day of the Week by Hits
  • Glossary

  • General Summary Statistics

    Item NameValue
    Total number of days32
    Start TimeAugust 01, 1998 00:05:39
    End TimeSeptember 01, 1998 00:05:17
    Total number of requests2.6276e+006
    Log parsing error count1108
    Average requests per day82112
    Total number of visits208150
    Average visits per day6505
    Total number of visitors180660
    Average visitors per day5646
    Most active hour of the day21:00
    Most active day of the weekMon
    Total bytes transferred36302782303
    Average bytes transferred per visit174406
    Average bytes transferred per day1134461947
    Requests from domestic visitors1231239
    Requests from international visitors91450
    Requests from unknown visitors1304907
    Log FileF:\logs\aug98\kingsnake-access_log (Bytes 363566392)

    Visitor Profile by Origin

    Unknown Visitors1304907
    Domestic Visitors1231239
    International Visitors91450

    Top Requested Files

    File NameTitleTypeFile SizeRequests%SizeSize (KB)
    /test3.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 120607 3.59 1302386.38
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    /market/snake/Not SelectedText/HTML0 14454 1.50 545657.58
    /market/lizard/Not SelectedText/HTML0 13600 1.53 555725.70
    /ad/12.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 12536 0.71 259040.70
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    /forum/boa/Not SelectedText/HTML0 8946 2.46 892099.47
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    /banners/cherry1.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 8589 0.06 23383.85
    /ad/ad13.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 8326 0.64 234062.59
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    /forum/Not SelectedText/HTML0 7961 0.18 65383.24
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    /forum/gecko/Not SelectedText/HTML0 6126 1.57 568420.79
    /forum/beard//index.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 5667 1.26 458914.71
    /forum/turtle//index.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 5483 2.13 773697.00
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    /ad2.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 4165 0.23 81796.92
    /ad9.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 3818 0.22 80726.73
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    /forum/python//index.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 3330 1.21 440143.54
    /forum/field/Not SelectedText/HTML0 3242 0.76 277687.18
    /alterna/alternews.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 3184 0.61 221866.75
    /chat/index.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 3141 0.04 15155.25
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    /new-3.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2924 0.06 21152.02
    /forum/iguana/Not SelectedText/HTML0 2826 0.82 296099.02
    /forum/chameleon/Not SelectedText/HTML0 2811 0.63 227722.38
    /cgi-bin/cadi_out.cgiNot SelectedUnknown0 2754 0.02 7174.20
    /forum/iguana.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2687 0.01 4055.85
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    /forks/b2.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2641 0.01 2319.70
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    /forum/chameleon.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2602 0.01 4980.59
    /ad/available.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2574 0.01 3236.81
    /chat/snake/index.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 2534 0.01 5214.68
    /alterna/grstone1.jpgNot SelectedImage/JPEG0 2442 0.01 2618.36
    /hiss/hiss3.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2421 0.06 21231.04
    /forum/field.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2386 0.02 6430.77
    /hiss/left.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2344 0.12 44495.03
    /forum/frog//index.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 2338 0.61 222533.72
    /hiss/newback.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2282 0.01 1990.79

    Activity by File Content

    File Content TypeRequests

    Host Report

    Host NameRequestsSize (KB)Visits%Visits%Requests%Size
    xyp02-15.acns.fsu.edu164 2503.65 1 0.00 0.01 0.01
    xyp01-15.acns.fsu.edu165 1973.91 2 0.00 0.01 0.01
    x7y40.angelo.edu349 10934.63 1 0.00 0.01 0.03
    www.getaway.net653 7248.53 17 0.01 0.02 0.02
    www-fw-proxy6.boeing.com605 11523.96 47 0.02 0.02 0.03
    www-fw-proxy5.boeing.com373 5327.05 7 0.00 0.01 0.01
    www-fw-proxy3.boeing.com357 4994.02 20 0.01 0.01 0.01
    www-fw-proxy2.boeing.com632 8917.96 29 0.01 0.02 0.02
    www-fw-proxy1.boeing.com1514 28658.78 110 0.05 0.06 0.08 1378.21 51 0.02 0.01 0.00 2240.56 42 0.02 0.01 0.01 5110.77 53 0.03 0.01 0.01 3012.83 44 0.02 0.01 0.01 576.78 46 0.02 0.01 0.00 23078.93 215 0.10 0.09 0.06 39029.79 225 0.11 0.12 0.11 60913.13 226 0.11 0.09 0.17 27218.42 226 0.11 0.10 0.07 17947.98 231 0.11 0.08 0.05 36436.29 212 0.10 0.11 0.10

    Top Visitors Countries/Zones

    UnknownUnknown1304907 49.66 104275 50.10
    NETNetwork582746 22.18 37116 17.83
    COMUS Commercial547832 20.85 52557 25.25
    EDUUS Educational67685 2.58 3666 1.76
    CACanada23304 0.89 1596 0.77
    UKUnited Kingdom12645 0.48 637 0.31
    USUnited States12080 0.46 702 0.34
    SESweden9575 0.36 725 0.35
    ORGNon-Profit Organization7877 0.30 631 0.30
    GOVUS Government7601 0.29 491 0.24
    AUAustralia7489 0.29 1162 0.56
    DEGermany5762 0.22 475 0.23
    MILUS Military5251 0.20 450 0.22
    FIFinland4088 0.16 176 0.08
    DKDenmark3870 0.15 290 0.14
    SGSingapore3379 0.13 427 0.21
    NLNetherlands3322 0.13 338 0.16
    JPJapan2073 0.08 271 0.13
    ITItaly1671 0.06 212 0.10
    ESSpain1360 0.05 80 0.04
    NONorway1167 0.04 100 0.05
    BRBrazil1102 0.04 96 0.05
    FRFrance1098 0.04 99 0.05
    MYMalaysia968 0.04 268 0.13
    MXMexico873 0.03 102 0.05
    BEBelgium790 0.03 99 0.05
    CHSwitzerland635 0.02 91 0.04
    ILIsrael623 0.02 66 0.03
    ZASouth Africa579 0.02 123 0.06
    RURussian Federation516 0.02 36 0.02
    PTPortugal397 0.02 58 0.03
    NZNew Zealand (Aotearoa)371 0.01 131 0.06
    PHPhilippines370 0.01 31 0.01
    HRCroatia (Hrvatska)369 0.01 12 0.01
    IDIndonesia334 0.01 25 0.01
    SKSlovak Republic303 0.01 18 0.01
    ATAustria252 0.01 40 0.02
    IEIreland214 0.01 28 0.01
    ARPAOld style Arpanet167 0.01 23 0.01
    HKHong Kong154 0.01 34 0.02
    PLPoland135 0.01 26 0.01
    CZCzech Republic131 0.00 14 0.01
    ARArgentina130 0.00 17 0.01
    HUHungary118 0.00 20 0.01
    ISIceland111 0.00 16 0.01
    THThailand96 0.00 19 0.01
    INIndia85 0.00 19 0.01
    VEVenezuela83 0.00 13 0.01
    KRKorea (South)80 0.00 36 0.02
    SISlovenia73 0.00 12 0.01

    Activity by Hour of Day

    Hour of DayRequests%RequestsAvg. RequestsSize (KB)%SizeAvg. Size
    12:00 AM94300 3.59 2946 1257288.27 3.46 39290258
    01:00 AM67651 2.57 2182 898631.23 2.48 28988104
    02:00 AM48744 1.86 1572 651571.85 1.79 21018446
    03:00 AM36735 1.40 1185 506934.29 1.40 16352719
    04:00 AM30032 1.14 968 391756.49 1.08 12637306
    05:00 AM34684 1.32 1118 455853.12 1.26 14704939
    06:00 AM48862 1.86 1576 650112.06 1.79 20971356
    07:00 AM70884 2.70 2286 974713.09 2.68 31442357
    08:00 AM90831 3.46 2930 1238652.68 3.41 39956538
    09:00 AM105741 4.02 3411 1473275.32 4.06 47525010
    10:00 AM118147 4.50 3811 1653303.99 4.55 53332386
    11:00 AM131621 5.01 4245 1890700.76 5.21 60990347
    12:00 PM132914 5.06 4287 1886211.98 5.20 60845547
    01:00 PM129556 4.93 4179 1832725.29 5.05 59120170
    02:00 PM133498 5.08 4306 1901871.39 5.24 61350689
    03:00 PM141277 5.38 4557 2018454.27 5.56 65111427
    04:00 PM147390 5.61 4754 2041701.37 5.62 65861334
    05:00 PM150881 5.74 4867 2050189.97 5.65 66135160
    06:00 PM145033 5.52 4678 1987558.22 5.47 64114781
    07:00 PM151987 5.78 4902 2112866.71 5.82 68156990
    08:00 PM165322 6.29 5332 2270542.67 6.25 73243311
    09:00 PM175334 6.67 5655 2428390.77 6.69 78335186
    10:00 PM153336 5.84 4946 2089219.35 5.75 67394172
    11:00 PM122836 4.67 3962 1640257.16 4.52 52911521
    Total2627596100.0084655 (3527*)36302782.30100.001169790054 (48741252*)
    * This figure indicates the average of the values listed.

    Activity by Day of Week

    DayRequests%RequestsAvg. RequestsSize (KB)%SizeAvg. SizeVisits%Visits
    Sunday383164 14.58 76632 5256861.36 14.48 1051372272 31044 14.91
    Monday460845 17.54 92169 6232764.50 17.17 1246552899 35207 16.91
    Tuesday360892 13.73 72178 4995418.37 13.76 999083674 27740 13.33
    Wednesday351241 13.37 87810 4931812.38 13.59 1232953094 29503 14.17
    Thursday350984 13.36 87746 4937118.56 13.60 1234279640 28986 13.93
    Friday351661 13.38 87915 4918619.81 13.55 1229654951 27249 13.09
    Saturday368809 14.04 73761 5030187.32 13.86 1006037464 28421 13.65
    Total2627596100.00578211 (82602*)36302782.30100.007999933994 (1142847713*)208150100.00
    * This figure indicates the average of the values listed.

    Peak Day of the Week by Hits

    Access WeekAccess DateRequestsSize (KB)
    Week of 08/30/9808/31/9894859 1350567.32
    Week of 08/23/9808/27/9896179 1445547.93
    Week of 08/16/9808/17/9895755 1347795.42
    Week of 08/09/9808/14/9896124 1275518.28
    Week of 08/02/9808/06/9885541 1096065.65
    Week of 07/26/9808/01/9862304 771651.17


    Bandwidth: The number of bytes used in transmitting WWW site's content. NetIntellect doesn't include TCP/IP overhead or the actual browser requests with in its bandwidth counts because these values are not logged.

    Caching: The procedure whereby a WWW site's content is uploaded by a service (e.g. AOL) or organization (e.g. a company). This allows the data to be served to the users more efficiently and quickly. However, the content provider (site) will not receive any hits from users who unknowingly receive cached data.

    Directory: World Wide Web pages consist of varying files. These files are often set up in a directory structure, resembling "tree branches". Directories are usually structured to keep similar topics within a specifically named directory. For example, all news reports may be stored in a directory such as /Web_site/news/

    Geography: The continent, country, region, state, city, and Zip code are based on an organization's Internet domain registration. Only Internet domains found within the NetIntellect Organizational database are included within region, state, city, and Zip code analyses. Each Internet domain is associated with only one Zip code, so all users from a domain used in multiple locations are considered to be at one location.

    Home Page: The HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) page a user sees upon initial log-in.

    Organization: A commercial, academic, nonprofit, government, or military entity that connects users to the Internet, identified by an entity's Internet domains. Using the NetIntellect's Organizational database, NetIntellect groups together all domains registered to the same organization as one organization.

    Page (HTML) Request: The act of a user directing the Web Browser to "get" a page from a site, and the transmittal of that page to the user. An HTML page may include text, graphics, JAVA applets, and other elements. A page can be formatted in many ways, and includes links to other HTML pages both within the site or elsewhere on the Internet. Page requests are not a measurement of hits. Page requests do not include hits to images. Page requests do not include component pages of a frame unless directly requested. Local usage is not included in the counts of page requests reported herein.

    Time Zone: World Wide Web servers record all requests in local time where the server is located. The server does not record the users' local time.

    User: Anyone who visits the site at least once.

    Visit (User Session): A series of consecutive requests from a user to an Internet site. If the log files include referrer data, then new visits begin with referring links external to the Internet site. Regardless of whether or not you have referrer data, if a user doesn't make a request for 30 minutes (if you define the visit as 30 minutes), the previous series of requests is considered a completed visit.

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