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June 1998 Summary

Complete Report

Table of Contents
  • General Summary Statistics
  • Visitor Profile by Origin
  • Visitor Profile by Origin (Graph)
  • Top Requested Files
  • Top Requested Files (Graph)
  • Activity by File Content
  • Activity by File Content (Graph)
  • Host Report
  • Hosts by Requests (Graph)
  • Top Visitors Countries/Zones
  • Top Visitors Countries/Zones (Graph)
  • Activity by Hour of Day
  • Activity by Hour of Day (Graph)
  • Activity by Day of Week
  • Activity by Day of Week (Graph)
  • Peak Day of the Week by Hits
  • Glossary

  • General Summary Statistics

    Item NameValue
    Total number of days30
    Start TimeJune 03, 1998 12:43:57
    End TimeJuly 02, 1998 13:31:08
    Total number of requests1.96619e+006
    Log parsing error count1137
    Average requests per day65540
    Total number of visits141766
    Average visits per day4726
    Total number of visitors102239
    Average visitors per day3408
    Most active hour of the day21:00
    Most active day of the weekWed
    Total bytes transferred25413106024
    Average bytes transferred per visit179260
    Average bytes transferred per day847103534
    Requests from domestic visitors1639422
    Requests from international visitors100508
    Requests from unknown visitors226257
    Log FileF:\logs\june98\kingsnake-access_log (Bytes 204453619)

    Visitor Profile by Origin

    Domestic Visitors1639422
    Unknown Visitors226257
    International Visitors100508

    Top Requested Files

    File NameTitleTypeFile SizeRequests%SizeSize (KB)
    /test3.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 90120 3.80 965970.21
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    /class.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 30856 0.31 79879.17
    /Not SelectedText/HTML0 27870 0.55 139125.58
    /market/class.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 20274 0.14 36259.39
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    /rsaclabel.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 18190 0.05 11565.88
    /ad/ppetead.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 17372 0.66 166475.05
    /forum/nulogo2.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 14784 0.22 56438.71
    /market/boid/Not SelectedText/HTML0 14762 2.28 579198.00
    /forum/f1c.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 13614 0.08 21329.80
    /market/Not SelectedText/HTML0 13502 0.13 33927.60
    /forum/python/Not SelectedText/HTML0 13446 6.21 1576907.80
    /herpndx2.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 12999 0.03 8620.50
    /market/lizard/Not SelectedText/HTML0 12976 2.35 596567.08
    /market/snake/Not SelectedText/HTML0 12271 1.42 360108.33
    /head1.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 11764 0.35 89388.32
    /prismnet.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 11467 0.19 47951.45
    /banners/ad.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 11379 0.24 61205.73
    /ad/ppetead4.jpgNot SelectedImage/JPEG0 10325 0.35 90157.65
    /alterna/am0698_a.jpgNot SelectedImage/JPEG0 10174 0.78 199348.47
    /forum/monitor/Not SelectedText/HTML0 10169 4.15 1055050.68
    /market/index.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 9731 0.11 28107.78
    /forum/Not SelectedText/HTML0 9661 0.21 53469.43
    /banners/hiss1.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 8707 0.34 87221.37
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    /banners/hauction.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 7371 0.05 13077.95
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    /monitor.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 7022 0.10 26446.48
    /forum/monitor.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 6851 0.03 7399.11
    /forum/index.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 6664 0.17 44290.52
    /iguana.jpgNot SelectedImage/JPEG0 5970 0.10 25556.40
    /bookstore/tennant.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 5759 0.34 86205.67
    /market/turtle/Not SelectedText/HTML0 5242 0.30 77282.66
    /forum/venom.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 5215 0.04 9332.82
    /forum/boa/Not SelectedText/HTML0 4955 1.69 429877.44
    /king/kingforum.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 4840 1.86 473748.81
    /banners/hissad.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 4727 0.18 46650.70
    /forum/logo.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 4597 0.09 23199.63
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    /ad5.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 4515 0.24 61102.65
    /forum/corn/Not SelectedText/HTML0 4366 1.35 342365.91
    /market/venom/Not SelectedText/HTML0 4141 0.16 39676.25
    /forum/turtle//index.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 3962 1.85 469414.61
    /forum/king.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 3860 0.06 14492.13
    /forum/gnrl_snake/Not SelectedText/HTML0 3797 1.11 283003.21
    /nraac/nraacbut.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 3756 0.02 5050.70
    /forum/gecko/Not SelectedText/HTML0 3719 1.26 320966.53
    /banners/bhbbanr.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 3692 0.12 30847.79
    /forum/boa.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 3650 0.02 4750.94
    /banners/lllban3.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 3642 0.09 22477.92
    /forum/corn.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 3451 0.03 8405.57
    /forum/snake.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 3385 0.04 9553.44
    /forum/monitor//index.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 3344 1.48 375895.81
    /forum/turtle/Not SelectedText/HTML0 3264 1.39 352594.62
    /forum/field/Not SelectedText/HTML0 3213 0.95 242482.21
    /forum/beard/Not SelectedText/HTML0 3184 1.25 318566.96
    /forum/beard.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 3123 0.02 5252.64
    /forks/b2.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 3084 0.01 2591.95
    /forum/gecko.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 3051 0.02 5364.46
    /breeder.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 2973 0.20 50382.85
    /alterna/alternews.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 2651 0.53 135679.61
    /ad9.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2593 0.20 50469.22
    /hiss/logo3a.jpgNot SelectedImage/JPEG0 2583 0.23 59099.20
    /tchat.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2562 0.02 4015.62
    /cherry/newlogo.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2494 0.13 33329.22
    /alterna/grstone1.jpgNot SelectedImage/JPEG0 2493 0.01 2732.95
    /ad/bluechameleon.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2443 0.08 20459.74
    /hiss/left.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2357 0.16 40272.42
    /cherry/cherybak.jpgNot SelectedImage/JPEG0 2356 0.12 30539.53
    /forum/chameleon.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2350 0.02 4113.09
    /nraac/nrcbannr.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2346 0.03 7649.18
    /forum/field.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2341 0.02 5673.75
    /ad/bforum.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2316 0.14 36205.52
    /forum/iguana.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2270 0.01 3065.60
    /hiss/hiss3.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2247 0.07 18473.88
    /forum/venom//index.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 2240 1.54 391299.44
    /banners/dnjbanner.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2231 0.07 17140.83
    /forum/gnrl_snake/messages/223.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 2206 0.05 12344.08
    /forum/beard//index.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 2160 1.02 258807.08
    /forum/tortoise/Not SelectedText/HTML0 2135 0.46 116952.88
    /hiss/newback.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2107 0.01 1701.72
    /forum/frog.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2083 0.02 4985.05
    /chat/snake/index.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 2079 0.02 4046.13
    /market/adoption/Not SelectedText/HTML0 2062 0.06 16100.96
    /ad6.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2061 0.10 26591.80
    /hiss/credit2.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 2020 0.07 16786.27
    /forum/newt/Not SelectedText/HTML0 2017 0.79 200408.43
    /forum/bull/Not SelectedText/HTML0 1999 0.47 118646.03
    /market/amphib/Not SelectedText/HTML0 1994 0.06 16038.67
    /forum/venom/messages/355.htmlNot SelectedText/HTML0 1918 0.07 17672.23
    /forum/iguana/Not SelectedText/HTML0 1917 0.60 152132.80
    /market/supply/Not SelectedText/HTML0 1902 0.05 13718.12
    /forum/chameleon/Not SelectedText/HTML0 1889 0.99 251826.40
    /forum/newt.gifNot SelectedImage/Gif0 1887 0.02 5090.05

    Activity by File Content

    File Content TypeRequests

    Host Report

    Host NameRequestsSize (KB)Visits%Visits%Requests%Size
    zoom3079.telepath.com200 2090.95 5 0.00 0.01 0.01
    zoom2020.telepath.com171 855.66 1 0.00 0.01 0.00
    yellow.javanet.com207 2313.61 36 0.03 0.01 0.01 11284.80 36 0.03 0.04 0.04
    yak-ts1-p16.wolfenet.com162 1675.06 2 0.00 0.01 0.01
    yak-ts1-p05.wolfenet.com190 1573.84 2 0.00 0.01 0.01
    xyp05-05.acns.fsu.edu161 1760.30 3 0.00 0.01 0.01 2954.57 2 0.00 0.02 0.01
    x7y40.angelo.edu1580 24105.44 5 0.00 0.08 0.09
    www11.btx.dtag.de1 2.95 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
    www.getaway.net3446 38352.29 59 0.04 0.18 0.15
    www-fw-proxy1.boeing.com11 115.33 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 50406.90 343 0.24 0.10 0.20 13499.21 334 0.24 0.11 0.05 31741.03 360 0.25 0.09 0.12 20094.12 335 0.24 0.11 0.08 28316.45 353 0.25 0.14 0.11 19728.63 337 0.24 0.09 0.08 46124.88 300 0.21 0.09 0.18 12687.55 303 0.21 0.08 0.05

    Top Visitors Countries/Zones

    COMUS Commercial750101 38.15 62068 43.78
    NETNetwork739701 37.62 45529 32.12
    UnknownUnknown226257 11.51 15420 10.88
    EDUUS Educational105571 5.37 5474 3.86
    CACanada25270 1.29 2187 1.54
    USUnited States19198 0.98 1250 0.88
    UKUnited Kingdom13308 0.68 1292 0.91
    SESweden9055 0.46 680 0.48
    DEGermany8450 0.43 716 0.51
    ORGNon-Profit Organization8190 0.42 695 0.49
    AUAustralia8012 0.41 1298 0.92
    GOVUS Government7399 0.38 640 0.45
    MILUS Military6019 0.31 549 0.39
    NLNetherlands3645 0.19 464 0.33
    SGSingapore3467 0.18 390 0.28
    FIFinland3395 0.17 156 0.11
    ARPAOld style Arpanet3243 0.16 78 0.06
    ITItaly3099 0.16 338 0.24
    DKDenmark2611 0.13 211 0.15
    JPJapan2433 0.12 216 0.15
    BEBelgium1921 0.10 166 0.12
    ESSpain1428 0.07 132 0.09
    CHSwitzerland1343 0.07 92 0.06
    ZASouth Africa1253 0.06 177 0.12
    IDIndonesia1197 0.06 66 0.05
    NONorway1129 0.06 97 0.07
    FRFrance1078 0.05 125 0.09
    BRBrazil901 0.05 109 0.08
    MXMexico850 0.04 109 0.08
    PTPortugal789 0.04 50 0.04
    ILIsrael616 0.03 80 0.06
    MYMalaysia508 0.03 117 0.08
    HKHong Kong466 0.02 36 0.03
    CZCzech Republic462 0.02 32 0.02
    NZNew Zealand (Aotearoa)417 0.02 117 0.08
    ATAustria408 0.02 51 0.04
    PHPhilippines307 0.02 28 0.02
    THThailand245 0.01 27 0.02
    RURussian Federation191 0.01 25 0.02
    KRKorea (South)160 0.01 39 0.03
    IEIreland150 0.01 36 0.03
    HUHungary136 0.01 19 0.01
    PLPoland133 0.01 21 0.01
    ARArgentina130 0.01 27 0.02
    SKSlovak Republic128 0.01 10 0.01
    COColombia99 0.01 23 0.02
    ISIceland81 0.00 10 0.01
    CRCosta Rica80 0.00 12 0.01
    CLChile77 0.00 17 0.01
    INIndia68 0.00 25 0.02

    Activity by Hour of Day

    Hour of DayRequests%RequestsAvg. RequestsSize (KB)%SizeAvg. Size
    12:00 AM70689 3.60 2437 896901.68 3.53 30927644
    01:00 AM50650 2.58 1746 662541.42 2.61 22846255
    02:00 AM35410 1.80 1221 471134.50 1.85 16246017
    03:00 AM24981 1.27 861 350538.63 1.38 12087539
    04:00 AM19556 0.99 674 261609.90 1.03 9021030
    05:00 AM23648 1.20 815 292577.79 1.15 10088889
    06:00 AM34871 1.77 1202 441537.00 1.74 15225413
    07:00 AM55164 2.81 1902 749395.30 2.95 25841217
    08:00 AM64688 3.29 2230 826906.65 3.25 28514022
    09:00 AM81382 4.14 2806 1082641.47 4.26 37332464
    10:00 AM88013 4.48 3034 1142651.39 4.50 39401772
    11:00 AM100186 5.10 3454 1296770.17 5.10 44716212
    12:00 PM108684 5.53 3622 1429099.72 5.62 47636657
    01:00 PM107905 5.49 3596 1327919.64 5.23 44263987
    02:00 PM105382 5.36 3633 1342957.07 5.28 46308864
    03:00 PM113745 5.79 3922 1434624.93 5.65 49469825
    04:00 PM104038 5.29 3587 1384840.35 5.45 47753115
    05:00 PM106553 5.42 3674 1392318.50 5.48 48010982
    06:00 PM104631 5.32 3607 1345562.71 5.29 46398714
    07:00 PM109774 5.58 3785 1447376.72 5.70 49909542
    08:00 PM115344 5.87 3977 1505865.20 5.93 51926386
    09:00 PM123000 6.26 4241 1569655.44 6.18 54126049
    10:00 PM116832 5.94 4028 1467779.74 5.78 50613094
    11:00 PM101061 5.14 3484 1289900.10 5.08 44479313
    Total1966187100.0067538 (2814*)25413106.02100.00873145002 (36381042*)
    * This figure indicates the average of the values listed.

    Activity by Day of Week

    DayRequests%RequestsAvg. RequestsSize (KB)%SizeAvg. SizeVisits%Visits
    Sunday239019 12.16 59754 3107778.29 12.23 776944573 18118 12.78
    Monday302734 15.40 75683 3905376.64 15.37 976344160 21202 14.96
    Tuesday284791 14.48 71197 3925292.25 15.45 981323062 21342 15.05
    Wednesday344593 17.53 68918 4342307.18 17.09 868461435 23995 16.93
    Thursday313009 15.92 62601 3956398.68 15.57 791279735 22163 15.63
    Friday255219 12.98 63804 3291680.47 12.95 822920117 18452 13.02
    Saturday226822 11.54 56705 2884272.52 11.35 721068130 16494 11.63
    Total1966187100.00458662 (65523*)25413106.02100.005938341212 (848334459*)141766100.00
    * This figure indicates the average of the values listed.

    Peak Day of the Week by Hits

    Access WeekAccess DateRequestsSize (KB)
    Week of 06/28/9806/29/9878781 1007490.74
    Week of 06/21/9806/22/9879009 1011971.36
    Week of 06/14/9806/17/9892765 1093226.48
    Week of 06/07/9806/11/9868228 858506.38
    Week of 05/31/9806/04/9865901 738857.28

    Top Referring URLs/Sites


    Bandwidth: The number of bytes used in transmitting WWW site's content. NetIntellect doesn't include TCP/IP overhead or the actual browser requests with in its bandwidth counts because these values are not logged.

    Caching: The procedure whereby a WWW site's content is uploaded by a service (e.g. AOL) or organization (e.g. a company). This allows the data to be served to the users more efficiently and quickly. However, the content provider (site) will not receive any hits from users who unknowingly receive cached data.

    Directory: World Wide Web pages consist of varying files. These files are often set up in a directory structure, resembling "tree branches". Directories are usually structured to keep similar topics within a specifically named directory. For example, all news reports may be stored in a directory such as /Web_site/news/

    Geography: The continent, country, region, state, city, and Zip code are based on an organization's Internet domain registration. Only Internet domains found within the NetIntellect Organizational database are included within region, state, city, and Zip code analyses. Each Internet domain is associated with only one Zip code, so all users from a domain used in multiple locations are considered to be at one location.

    Home Page: The HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) page a user sees upon initial log-in.

    Organization: A commercial, academic, nonprofit, government, or military entity that connects users to the Internet, identified by an entity's Internet domains. Using the NetIntellect's Organizational database, NetIntellect groups together all domains registered to the same organization as one organization.

    Page (HTML) Request: The act of a user directing the Web Browser to "get" a page from a site, and the transmittal of that page to the user. An HTML page may include text, graphics, JAVA applets, and other elements. A page can be formatted in many ways, and includes links to other HTML pages both within the site or elsewhere on the Internet. Page requests are not a measurement of hits. Page requests do not include hits to images. Page requests do not include component pages of a frame unless directly requested. Local usage is not included in the counts of page requests reported herein.

    Time Zone: World Wide Web servers record all requests in local time where the server is located. The server does not record the users' local time.

    User: Anyone who visits the site at least once.

    Visit (User Session): A series of consecutive requests from a user to an Internet site. If the log files include referrer data, then new visits begin with referring links external to the Internet site. Regardless of whether or not you have referrer data, if a user doesn't make a request for 30 minutes (if you define the visit as 30 minutes), the previous series of requests is considered a completed visit.


    Power © 1998