October 1999 Summary
General Summary Statistics
Item Name Value Total number of days 31 Start Time October 01, 1999 00:35:17 End Time October 31, 1999 23:31:31 Total number of requests 6.70701e+006 Log parsing error count 6224 Average requests per day 216355 Total number of visits 526285 Average visits per day 16977 Total number of visitors 471328 Average visitors per day 15204 Most active hour of the day 21:00 Most active day of the week Fri Total bytes transferred 103955499594 Average bytes transferred per visit 197527 Average bytes transferred per day -941564083 Requests from domestic visitors 5373154 Requests from international visitors 471066 Requests from unknown visitors 862786 Log File C:\logs\oct99\kingsnake-access_log.gz (Bytes 137532454) Visitor Profile by Origin
Origin Requests Domestic Visitors 5373154 Unknown Visitors 862786 International Visitors 471066 Total 6707006 Top Requested Files
File Name Title Type File Size Requests %Size Size (KB) /test3.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 236498 2.36 2448323.27 /head2.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 181653 1.19 1237263.18 / Not Selected Text/HTML 0 133094 5.53 5744954.30 /flukerfarms/button1.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 81410 0.44 460702.54 /class.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 79799 0.23 242811.19 /cc2.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 76534 0.23 237606.23 /market/donate.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 74655 0.27 282228.84 /aesmini.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 74245 0.08 85248.98 /dot.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 72845 0.03 35535.00 /market/index.html Not Selected Text/HTML 0 72245 0.55 568450.96 /tshirt2.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 71944 0.42 434025.08 /banners/prbrdbn1.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 64031 1.97 2044224.47 /bushherp/banner.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 53185 1.80 1872539.75 /forum/index2.html Not Selected Text/HTML 0 49406 0.67 699973.47 /market/boid/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 47822 2.75 2855465.35 /lilsearch.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 47112 0.06 67096.68 /market/class.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 46623 0.10 106882.50 /hunt.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 46323 0.10 108005.67 /foot2.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 45537 0.35 365450.83 /cartoon.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 45187 0.34 354312.55 /pythonpete/boidads.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 43924 1.43 1484954.93 /forum/nulogo2.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 38297 0.17 176391.13 /alert.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 36167 0.07 76581.22 /tricolors/triban1.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 34929 1.34 1391609.46 /forum/f1c.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 32750 0.06 65109.74 /market/lizard/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 31794 1.24 1285312.44 /forum/dot.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 31737 0.02 15781.19 /banners/nywban.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 31228 0.39 404561.04 /forum/index.html Not Selected Text/HTML 0 29717 0.14 143773.76 /forum/python/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 28812 3.20 3330818.64 /banners/nyworms.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 27577 0.23 239149.23 /market/snake/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 25226 1.12 1159340.88 /serpentsden/mini.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 25208 0.25 258922.91 /banners/irba.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 24390 0.49 505110.21 /flukerfarms/banner.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 24121 0.17 181008.15 /pythonpete/lizardads.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 23301 0.50 520890.27 /avail2.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 23260 0.30 313798.92 /ad/price_banner.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 22751 0.66 684917.48 /avail.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 21183 0.02 21182.89 /banners/lazikbnr.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 20116 0.81 838594.95 /forum/monitor/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 19287 2.49 2591295.60 /market/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 18668 0.14 143661.01 /banners/ssban1.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 17470 0.38 394188.28 /banners/tntbnr.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 17188 0.82 854588.93 /mouse/banner.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 17135 0.14 140719.95 /harford/pythons_small.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 17001 0.10 101509.91 /eherp/banner.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 16693 0.49 513973.13 /forum/boa/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 16625 1.51 1564533.80 /texasreptiles/txexpo.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 15015 0.18 192131.84 /banners/flukers.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 14976 0.13 133528.72 /market/turtle/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 14569 0.28 289296.50 /forum/ball/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 14455 1.13 1174493.67 /forum/venom/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 14317 1.49 1548111.26 /reptiledepot/mini.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 14151 0.18 183091.20 /harford/index_small.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 14019 0.13 130955.68 /ballpython/mini_index.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 13970 0.19 198348.29 /harford/index_hamper.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 13714 0.11 118071.48 /forum/python.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 13580 0.02 25110.40 /harford/index_ecrs.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 13209 0.08 80616.10 /forum/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 12839 0.06 62008.41 /harford/index_big.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 12664 0.57 594503.63 /reptiledepot/c_forum.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 12602 0.09 90903.91 /banners/lazikbnu.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 11903 0.53 546864.41 /foot1.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 11519 0.01 10273.39 /banners/scrbanner.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 11284 0.15 157648.46 /cbd/banner.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 11022 0.14 149308.97 /serpentsden/banner.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 10952 0.25 258812.66 /harford/classified_boa.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 10894 0.33 338710.38 /3dshirts/classified.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 10721 0.13 138692.95 /leopardgecko/albino.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 10525 0.14 141927.80 /lllreptile/main_index.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 10476 0.09 95509.13 /market/wanted/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 10371 0.44 457775.40 /herpsupplies/main_index.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 10253 0.19 200021.38 /ballpython/classified_python.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 10047 0.15 151410.35 /banners/LLLBAN6.GIF Not Selected Image/Gif 0 10022 0.09 94507.90 /lllreptile/classified.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 9977 0.08 84676.50 /banners/triban1.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 9547 0.36 373267.61 /market/venom/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 9535 0.10 100449.30 /goldengecko/banner.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 9293 0.11 116247.06 /banners/nrrcban1.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 8964 0.04 37229.27 /banners/cherry1.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 8863 0.12 122296.63 /banners/nerdmin.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 8838 0.07 72209.57 /forum/beard/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 8825 0.85 885605.37 /ballpython/forum_ball.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 8815 0.08 81652.75 /tongs/c_venomous.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 8802 0.16 163606.83 //banners/nyworms.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 8744 0.10 108967.55 /forum/gtpython/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 8655 0.69 717964.07 /nraac/nraacbut.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 8649 0.01 13012.79 /banners/virginia.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 8574 0.15 153560.69 /forum/venom.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 8374 0.02 17311.83 /nerd/monitor.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 8334 0.13 139945.16 /market/trade/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 8304 0.09 94064.84 /forum/boa.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 8258 0.01 13908.49 /banners/ethsexpo.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 8208 0.08 78357.75 /banners/orlando.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 8072 0.07 73130.86 /banners/cccb.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 8019 0.08 86618.40 /banners/gtlake.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 7866 0.02 25040.73 /pythonpete/monitorforum2.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 7664 0.09 96472.55 /forum/chameleon/ Not Selected Text/HTML 0 7644 0.70 729169.12 /pythonpete/monitorforum1.gif Not Selected Image/Gif 0 7508 0.07 75150.00 Total - - 0 2865104 49.71 51675930.83 Activity by File Content
File Content Type Requests Image/Gif 2761574 Text/HTML 1043245 Image/JPEG 191964 Unknown 20729 Total 4017512 Host Report
Host Name Requests Size (KB) Visits %Visits %Requests %Size zorglub.berlingske-online.dk 5345 51281.68 24 0.00 0.08 0.05 yellow.javanet.com 18 171.73 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 yarc2a74.snip.net 297 1936.76 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 xtsd0615.it.wsu.edu 136 2169.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 x8b4ea763.dhcp.okstate.edu 310 5295.59 2 0.00 0.00 0.01 www236.firstnethou.com 310 5173.30 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 www2.sungardrs.com 1330 3615.61 36 0.01 0.02 0.00 www.vhikits.com 5075 68908.64 97 0.02 0.08 0.07 www.sheriffleefl.org 348 3397.68 17 0.00 0.01 0.00 ww-pa05.proxy.aol.com 2 9.26 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 ww-pa04.proxy.aol.com 3 16.20 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 ww-pa03.proxy.aol.com 5778 116390.88 357 0.07 0.09 0.11 ww-pa02.proxy.aol.com 5821 151769.29 338 0.06 0.09 0.15 ww-pa01.proxy.aol.com 5760 102819.90 355 0.07 0.09 0.10 ws204149.siufdn.siu.edu 301 5544.79 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 wq4sm.dnsdhcp.provo.novell.com 707 661.09 1 0.00 0.01 0.00 wkstbus11085.acpl.lib.in.us 877 14380.08 1 0.00 0.01 0.01 wintersprings-ubr-c4s1-221.cfl.rr.com 1857 23583.36 19 0.00 0.03 0.02 wethc650.salk.edu 1092 27799.72 15 0.00 0.02 0.03 webcache.ucs.ualberta.ca 733 16248.80 42 0.01 0.01 0.02 we-24-130-61-225.we.mediaone.net 979 7322.56 12 0.00 0.01 0.01 wbrgalaxy.uni-v.com 927 8572.44 71 0.01 0.01 0.01 warthog.shaw.af.mil 453 4898.53 5 0.00 0.01 0.00 wall.callware.com 301 5971.49 5 0.00 0.00 0.01 w242.z216112071.sjc-ca.dsl.cnc.net 1133 13992.69 11 0.00 0.02 0.01 w0003233.partners.org 3295 47422.75 49 0.01 0.05 0.05 vp208-161.worldonline.nl 261 2991.50 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 viola.excite.com 2409 10610.52 253 0.05 0.04 0.01 van5d43.dial.uniserve.ca 34 366.66 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 van-port29.imag.net 331 3614.07 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 utfc2.utfors.se 2475 40877.25 180 0.03 0.04 0.04 usr1-p121.fwb.cybertron.com 322 4078.76 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 usilesi2.cai.com 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 usersc185.videon.wave.ca 6099 101551.74 132 0.03 0.09 0.10 user173.torchlake.com 332 4464.19 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 user-38ldk35.dialup.mindspring.com 282 2947.19 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 user-38ldjmm.dialup.mindspring.com 268 1693.03 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 user-38ldjmc.dialup.mindspring.com 274 1925.90 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 user-38ldjk9.dialup.mindspring.com 410 6429.44 1 0.00 0.01 0.01 user-38ldjhj.dialup.mindspring.com 369 3738.01 1 0.00 0.01 0.00 user-38ldjd2.dialup.mindspring.com 343 2703.01 1 0.00 0.01 0.00 user-38ldj42.dialup.mindspring.com 347 2990.20 2 0.00 0.01 0.00 user-38lcear.dialup.mindspring.com 269 3871.06 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 user-38lc833.dialup.mindspring.com 269 4387.92 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 user-33qtnir.dialup.mindspring.com 264 3702.30 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 user-33qtm9s.dialup.mindspring.com 290 6489.33 2 0.00 0.00 0.01 user-33qt13h.dialup.mindspring.com 304 3587.83 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 user-33qt0h1.dialup.mindspring.com 374 2946.17 1 0.00 0.01 0.00 user-33qsdu2.dialup.mindspring.com 460 2331.88 1 0.00 0.01 0.00 uranus.nationwide.com 3211 76759.20 104 0.02 0.05 0.07 unknown-25.gaic.com 3506 42157.52 37 0.01 0.05 0.04 unionpark-ubr-135.cfl.rr.com 1928 15622.63 17 0.00 0.03 0.02 udialup224.mpls.uswest.net 325 875.89 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 tsmia3-466.gate.net 299 2624.23 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 ts1-15.washington.custom.net 796 9817.82 7 0.00 0.01 0.01 ts1-14.washington.custom.net 516 6553.57 7 0.00 0.01 0.01 ts005d46.alq-nm.concentric.net 343 4756.11 1 0.00 0.01 0.00 ts005d40.alq-nm.concentric.net 596 5922.93 3 0.00 0.01 0.01 ts004d29.nas-tn1.concentric.net 319 4018.70 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 ts004d03.phe-pa.concentric.net 203 3001.54 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 toro.rota.navy.mil 2466 29830.07 44 0.01 0.04 0.03 toneka.ne.mediaone.net 2881 43940.06 67 0.01 0.04 0.04 tnt01dla211.winnipeg.escape.ca 38 977.08 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 tm.worldspan.com 1610 17648.67 40 0.01 0.02 0.02 ti08a95-0295.dialup.online.no 389 6456.80 2 0.00 0.01 0.01 ti08a95-0215.dialup.online.no 360 5809.01 2 0.00 0.01 0.01 teranode1.paonline.com 1688 38798.01 41 0.01 0.03 0.04 tdi.state.tx.us 1765 26923.56 41 0.01 0.03 0.03 tc4-85.cac.net 298 4369.28 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 tc3-80.utah-inter.net 372 3901.53 1 0.00 0.01 0.00 tc1-048.cac.net 288 5865.07 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 tc1-008.cac.net 427 6547.72 3 0.00 0.01 0.01 syru56-238.syr.edu 1583 24533.09 36 0.01 0.02 0.02 syru125-013.syr.edu 847 11691.33 21 0.00 0.01 0.01 sweet.compuall.net 424 2751.97 1 0.00 0.01 0.00 svifw02.lgb.cal.boeing.com 3643 84869.13 58 0.01 0.05 0.08 svcr-adsl-216-37-218-18.epix.net 898 12222.72 5 0.00 0.01 0.01 surf320.pompano.net 267 4086.45 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 surf141-186.buf.adelphia.net 289 2090.56 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 sunserver2.wordcruncher.com 968 4067.28 1 0.00 0.01 0.00 stpm3-3-121.olg.com 602 8076.51 1 0.00 0.01 0.01 stanleyj.umeres.maine.edu 855 9637.60 39 0.01 0.01 0.01 ss1-pc24.ucsc.edu 298 3767.26 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 sron9908.sron.nl 263 3101.45 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 squid2.busprod.com 291 2365.80 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 spc-isp-wsr-uas-05-16.sprint.ca 316 4823.65 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 spc-isp-stc-uas-06-97.sprint.ca 343 3695.44 2 0.00 0.01 0.00 spc-isp-mtl-58-4-605.sprint.ca 327 5451.40 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 sloew.dialup.fu-berlin.de 1195 14066.74 6 0.00 0.02 0.01 slip166-72-232-102.ny.us.prserv.net 335 2784.65 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 slip-32-100-139-3.tx.us.prserv.net 451 3496.01 1 0.00 0.01 0.00 slip-32-100-139-237.tx.us.prserv.net 469 3580.58 1 0.00 0.01 0.00 slip-32-100-139-164.tx.us.prserv.net 302 2228.59 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 sju-208-249-79-253.prw.net 695 10358.41 15 0.00 0.01 0.01 sipos.szbk.u-szeged.hu 1272 18738.55 24 0.00 0.02 0.02 simmons.compuall.net 500 2691.93 1 0.00 0.01 0.00 sigmachi-99-17.stanford.edu 901 11593.89 13 0.00 0.01 0.01 shokb603-26.splitrock.net 394 3986.25 1 0.00 0.01 0.00 shannon.ngs.noaa.gov 549 8422.08 9 0.00 0.01 0.01 sfr-6-232.resnet.upenn.edu 2963 49871.38 88 0.02 0.04 0.05 Total 106839 1589879.48 2811 0.53 1.59 1.53 Top Visitors Countries/Zones
Country/Zone Country Requests %Requests Visits %Visits NET Network 2466079 36.77 198000 37.62 COM US Commercial 2337823 34.86 206153 39.17 Unknown Unknown 862786 12.86 51400 9.77 EDU US Educational 353447 5.27 17379 3.30 CA Canada 116721 1.74 6686 1.27 US United States 80163 1.20 7063 1.34 AU Australia 53368 0.80 5773 1.10 ORG Non-Profit Organization 51125 0.76 2838 0.54 UK United Kingdom 50320 0.75 7507 1.43 GOV US Government 43762 0.65 2513 0.48 MIL US Military 39334 0.59 2316 0.44 SE Sweden 37136 0.55 1872 0.36 IT Italy 33077 0.49 2938 0.56 NL Netherlands 26380 0.39 1355 0.26 DE Germany 21518 0.32 1890 0.36 DK Denmark 14213 0.21 456 0.09 JP Japan 11533 0.17 727 0.14 CH Switzerland 10171 0.15 607 0.12 FR France 9450 0.14 642 0.12 ES Spain 8207 0.12 526 0.10 BE Belgium 7504 0.11 590 0.11 FI Finland 6284 0.09 624 0.12 BR Brazil 5782 0.09 448 0.09 IL Israel 5436 0.08 259 0.05 SG Singapore 5102 0.08 626 0.12 ZA South Africa 4531 0.07 459 0.09 NZ New Zealand (Aotearoa) 3894 0.06 600 0.11 CZ Czech Republic 3526 0.05 224 0.04 NO Norway 3339 0.05 187 0.04 MY Malaysia 3252 0.05 291 0.06 HU Hungary 3148 0.05 166 0.03 MX Mexico 2890 0.04 276 0.05 AT Austria 2295 0.03 183 0.03 HR Croatia (Hrvatska) 2156 0.03 281 0.05 LU Luxembourg 1957 0.03 47 0.01 HK Hong Kong 1683 0.03 298 0.06 ARPA Old style Arpanet 1416 0.02 98 0.02 IE Ireland 1405 0.02 77 0.01 AE United Arab Emirates 1115 0.02 307 0.06 AR Argentina 1070 0.02 143 0.03 TH Thailand 921 0.01 90 0.02 ID Indonesia 910 0.01 96 0.02 GR Greece 782 0.01 110 0.02 PT Portugal 728 0.01 64 0.01 SM San Marino 688 0.01 13 0.00 VE Venezuela 576 0.01 45 0.01 SK Slovak Republic 573 0.01 22 0.00 RU Russian Federation 572 0.01 47 0.01 PL Poland 564 0.01 58 0.01 SA Saudi Arabia 397 0.01 163 0.03 Total - 6701109 99.91 525533 99.86 Activity by Hour of Day
Hour of Day Requests %Requests Avg. Requests Size (KB) %Size Avg. Size 12:00 AM 237231 3.54 7652 3554359.70 3.42 114656764 01:00 AM 177766 2.65 5734 2678653.63 2.58 86408181 02:00 AM 133264 1.99 4298 1979824.03 1.90 63865291 03:00 AM 98969 1.48 3192 1463961.88 1.41 47224576 04:00 AM 90061 1.34 2905 1298955.67 1.25 41901795 05:00 AM 95003 1.42 3064 1422756.17 1.37 45895360 06:00 AM 126898 1.89 4093 1973983.92 1.90 63676900 07:00 AM 183853 2.74 5930 2869794.53 2.76 92574017 08:00 AM 239473 3.57 7724 3749539.48 3.61 120952886 09:00 AM 282880 4.22 9125 4498356.01 4.33 145108258 10:00 AM 308952 4.61 9966 4901149.65 4.71 158101601 11:00 AM 338696 5.05 10925 5302366.00 5.10 171044064 12:00 PM 335260 5.00 10814 5275608.05 5.07 170180904 01:00 PM 345814 5.16 11155 5436638.32 5.23 175375429 02:00 PM 354337 5.28 11430 5555010.99 5.34 179193902 03:00 PM 367084 5.47 11841 5636981.18 5.42 181838102 04:00 PM 371850 5.54 11995 5740952.47 5.52 185192015 05:00 PM 376704 5.62 12151 5834157.66 5.61 188198634 06:00 PM 379327 5.66 12236 5847213.31 5.62 188619784 07:00 PM 380974 5.68 12289 6030138.49 5.80 194520596 08:00 PM 390404 5.82 12593 6112942.88 5.88 197191705 09:00 PM 407022 6.07 13129 6291964.19 6.05 202966586 10:00 PM 378751 5.65 12217 5801033.10 5.58 187130099 11:00 PM 306433 4.57 9884 4699158.28 4.52 151585751 Total 6707006 100.00 216342 (9014*) 103955499.59 100.00 3353403200 (139725133*) * This figure indicates the average of the values listed. Activity by Day of Week
Day Requests %Requests Avg. Requests Size (KB) %Size Avg. Size Visits %Visits Sunday 999180 14.90 199836 15847475.42 15.24 3169495083 80362 15.27 Monday 946963 14.12 236740 14662414.27 14.10 3665603568 73765 14.02 Tuesday 934205 13.93 233551 14758112.68 14.20 3689528170 73571 13.98 Wednesday 936461 13.96 234115 14317589.89 13.77 3579397472 74668 14.19 Thursday 915041 13.64 228760 14091963.30 13.56 3522990825 74170 14.09 Friday 1065217 15.88 213043 16239694.07 15.62 3247938814 78484 14.91 Saturday 909939 13.57 181987 14038249.96 13.50 2807649992 71265 13.54 Total 6707006 100.00 1528032 (218290*) 103955499.59 100.00 -6382167148 (-911738164*) 526285 100.00 * This figure indicates the average of the values listed. Peak Day of the Week by Hits
Access Week Access Date Requests Size (KB) Week of 10/31/99 10/31/99 204592 3450564.34 Week of 10/24/99 10/28/99 232860 3757580.47 Week of 10/17/99 10/18/99 245937 4044779.55 Week of 10/10/99 10/13/99 239087 3800447.76 Week of 10/03/99 10/04/99 241706 3410659.38 Week of 09/26/99 10/01/99 198692 2852308.01 Total - 1362874 21316339.51 Top Referring URLs/Sites
Referring Document Requests http://www.kingsnake.com/ 788175 - 622866 http://www.kingsnake.com/market/index.html 419082 http://www.kingsnake.com/forum/index2.html 383230 http://www.kingsnake.com/market/boid/ 194349 http://www.kingsnake.com/market/lizard/ 110695 http://www.kingsnake.com/market/snake/ 96053 http://www.kingsnake.com/forum/python/ 95202 http://www.kingsnake.com/market/ 65655 http://www.kingsnake.com/forum/monitor/ 63700 Total 2839007 Top Visitor Browsers
Browser Type Requests Microsoft Internet Explorer 4218513 Netscape 4.x 1922617 Netscape 3.x 266355 Others 157044 Other Netscape Compatible 85115 Netscape 2.x 33313 Architext Spider 22171 Lynx 1171 Netscape 1.x 432 America Online 90 Total 6706821 Top Visitor Platforms
Platform Type Requests X11 46521 Windows NT 501641 Windows 95 2551958 Windows 3.1 48829 Windows (version unavailable) 2261018 Win32 11677 Win16 14367 Others 986177 OS/2 370 Macintosh 284448 Total 6707006 GLOSSARY
Bandwidth: The number of bytes used in transmitting WWW site's content. NetIntellect doesn't include TCP/IP overhead or the actual browser requests with in its bandwidth counts because these values are not logged.
Caching: The procedure whereby a WWW site's content is uploaded by a service (e.g. AOL) or organization (e.g. a company). This allows the data to be served to the users more efficiently and quickly. However, the content provider (site) will not receive any hits from users who unknowingly receive cached data.
Directory: World Wide Web pages consist of varying files. These files are often set up in a directory structure, resembling "tree branches". Directories are usually structured to keep similar topics within a specifically named directory. For example, all news reports may be stored in a directory such as /Web_site/news/
Geography: The continent, country, region, state, city, and Zip code are based on an organization's Internet domain registration. Only Internet domains found within the NetIntellect Organizational database are included within region, state, city, and Zip code analyses. Each Internet domain is associated with only one Zip code, so all users from a domain used in multiple locations are considered to be at one location.
Home Page: The HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) page a user sees upon initial log-in.
Organization: A commercial, academic, nonprofit, government, or military entity that connects users to the Internet, identified by an entity's Internet domains. Using the NetIntellect's Organizational database, NetIntellect groups together all domains registered to the same organization as one organization.
Page (HTML) Request: The act of a user directing the Web Browser to "get" a page from a site, and the transmittal of that page to the user. An HTML page may include text, graphics, JAVA applets, and other elements. A page can be formatted in many ways, and includes links to other HTML pages both within the site or elsewhere on the Internet. Page requests are not a measurement of hits. Page requests do not include hits to images. Page requests do not include component pages of a frame unless directly requested. Local usage is not included in the counts of page requests reported herein.
Time Zone: World Wide Web servers record all requests in local time where the server is located. The server does not record the users' local time.
User: Anyone who visits the site at least once.
Visit (User Session): A series of consecutive requests from a user to an Internet site. If the log files include referrer data, then new visits begin with referring links external to the Internet site. Regardless of whether or not you have referrer data, if a user doesn't make a request for 30 minutes (if you define the visit as 30 minutes), the previous series of requests is considered a completed visit.
© 1999 kingsnake.com