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Stupid reptile quotes

I managed a reptile store in Phoenix for a while, and managed to hear quite a few amusing quips about reptiles here are some:

If you have any to add, please feel free to email me

The 10 Most Interesting (or Silly) Reptile Quotes I Have Heard (or heard about)

by Petra Spiess


10. A father and son were at a reptile show, viewing all the animals. They came to a booth that was selling Egyptian Uromastyx and the son asked the father,

"Dad, what is that?" and the father replied,

"That's a turtle that has crawled out of it's shell"

9. A prospective customer was viewing the multitude of baby burmese pythons for sale at a reptile show booth. The customer was interested, but was concerned about the large adult size of burmese pythons. To soothe his fears the vendor said,

"They only get as big as the cage you keep them in" Yeah Right (my insert)

8. A customer was observing baby bearded dragons in a pet store and asked the employee,

"Do these baby bearded dragons get as big as the adults?"

7. An iguana was for sale in a pet store, but had a sign on its cage stating "The largest iguana is recovering from metabolic bone disease and needs special care, please ask us what he requires". A customer read the sign and then said indignantly,

"Why are you keeping that iguana with other iguanas? Metabolic bone disease is contagious and it is illegal to sell animals that have it!" (for those who don't know, metabolic bone disease is a dietary deficiency and is definitely NOT contagious)

6. A customer came into a pet store and watched turtles swimming around in a pond for 15 minutes and then asked,

"Are these tortoises aquatic or something?"

5. Noticing that there was no water dish in with the baby sulcata tortoises at a vendors booth during a reptile show, a lady pleaded,

"Please put water in with those turtles, they look all dried up!"

4. A customer requested that he only be sold black rats because his snake would not eat white rats. The reason?

"My snake don't like white rats cuz we put one in there once and he didn't eat it for THREE WEEKS cuz they were friends"

3. I overheard a customer at a pet store demanding that she be able to return a box turtle because,

"It pooped on me and I cannot possible have an animal that did that". I swear this is true.

2. A woman wished to purchase mice from me because she needed to feed her snake. I told her I did not have any live mice, but I had lot of frozen. Then she asked,

"How long do I have to thaw them out before they come back to life?"

1. A man once informed me that,

"Rattlesnakes only bite if it's a full moon"-Hopefully, for the rattlesnakes he never tested this theory.


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Last modified: February 07, 1999