I created this plan to simplify the different stages of hibernation. This plan is based on the information provided by Philippe de Vosjoli in his booklet "Basic Care of Uromastyx". I also used the 1997 Edition of "The Farmers Almanac" to build the second table. The dates of the stages will vary slightly from year to year. This is because they are based on the sun not an arbitrary date. Also in order to make this work it is assumed that your lights are controlled by the sunlight. If not then you must manually adjust the times during the different stages.
This plan has not been tested. Your Uromastyx is your own responsibility, so do not blame me if something goes wrong when you try this plan. If this plan does works for you please let me know.
Mick Fagre
Normal: 150 watt spot 15.25 to 11.00 hours of daylight Normal Feeding
Stage1: 100 watt spot 11.00 to 10.50 hours of daylight No Feeding
Stage2: 60 watt spot 10.50 to 10.00 hours of daylight No Feeding
Stage3: 40 watt 10.00 hours of daylight No Feeding
The lowest temp should be 57 degrees F
Feb 26 to Oct 16 Normal 215 days
Oct 17 to Oct 27 Stage1 11 days
Oct 28 to Nov  8 Stage2 12 days
Nov  9 to Feb  2 Stage3 93 days
Feb   3 to Feb 14 Stage2 12 days
Feb 15 to Feb 25 Stage1 11 days