This week, is celebrating its sixteenth birthday, so we're rolling back the clock to 1997 and having a sale!
As part of our birthday festivities, we've put business directory listings on sale for an incredible one-time only $50 a year -- that's $100 off our normal price! We've also put's event listings on sale for only $50 each, which is $50 off our normal price!
Along with this week's launch of the low-cost, high-visibilty
banner pool program, this is a great way for a reptile show or breeder to get a year's worth of listings and a full display ad package for a fraction of our normal costs. (Some of the banner pool locations are limited by availability, so act now before the biggest and best ads sell out.)
To get in on these 16th birthday specials, go to
We'll also be celebrating our 16th birthday all year at a variety of reptile and amphibian events, including
this month's NARBC expo in Arlington Texas. Please stop by our booth to check out the "ZombieHunter" snake hunting machine, pick up a free window sticker or bumper sticker, and let us know how long you have been reading!
I want to thank everyone who has done so much over the years to make most popular reptile community on the Internet. I'm looking forward to 2013, and to seeing everyone on the road - Jeff Barringer
Click below to see images of throughout the years...
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