A pair of Kihanga reed frogs has been discovered in Eastern Tanzania.
From the Western Morning News:
The Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust, which runs Paignton Zoo, Living Coasts in Torquay and Newquay Zoo in Cornwall, helped fund the fieldwork with rare amphibians in the mountains of Eastern Tanzania.
It has led to the discovery of two Kihanga reed frogs, a male and female, by Elena Tonelli, a PhD student at Manchester Metropolitan University whose work is part-funded by the trust.
The frogs are officially endangered and the two photographed by Ms Tonelli were recorded in the northern part of the Uzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve, some distance from their only previously known site - a small swamp in the centre of the reserve.
The student has since also found the species, which hadn’t been seen at all for a decade, at the original site.
Photo: Elena Tonelli/Western Morning News
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