It's hard to believe it's been 18 years, but domain registrations don't lie -- today is's 18th birthday!
On February 8, 1997, first appeared on the Internet; it's been 6,574 days, or 157, 776 hours, or 9,466,560 minutes, since our servers first went active and the community launched. Since then, our reptile and amphibian community has been visited by millions of people from around the world who have posted millions of photos and messages about their pets. Yahoo and are older, but Google, YouTube, and Facebook are still our juniors.
When first started, few reptile people had even seen the Internet. Now, the Internet is so ingrained in our daily lives, in our community, and in our industry, we would be unable to function without it. Along the way, has documented much of it, good and bad, and stored in its archives is essentially an almost two decade history of the reptile community. Wading through it brings back a lot of memories of great animals, events, experiences, and many friends who have moved away, moved on, or passed.
We want to thank the many users, advertisers, sponsors, volunteers, and staffers who have made what it is today: the largest, most relevant, and most popular reptile community on the Internet. - Jeff Barringer and the staff
Click below to see images of throughout the years...
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