India is a land of vast number of reptiles and as I have been writing and researching about them, I would definitely say I am fortunate to be part of a country where Mother Nature has showered such a tremendous number of its beautiful creation. Another beautiful gift by Mother Nature to India is the Phipson’s shield tail,
Uropeltis phipsonii.
For many non-Indian readers, it may seem to be a new fellow. The name of this non-venomous snake symbolizes its tail, which seems to have a sliced tail, strange but pretty amazing! While examining them I came to know that these snakes are short with the maximum length of 28-30cm, and mainly dine on earthworms. The most interesting fact about them is that being so tiny, these snakes are viviparous and give birth to 5-7 young ones at the onset monsoon.
It’s always a pleasure to meet these snakes on herpings and trekking’s but the sad part is that these snakes, being so harmless and sensitive, are the major victims of road kills. It’s a very disturbing truth for a reptile lover, but the fact is nobody can be blamed in such circumstances because unlike other snakes, shield tail snakes are heard to spot and thus fall victims to cars.
I would like to conclude by saying be alert while driving. This will not only benefit you but also protect the environment. As we always say, "Brake for snakes."
Photo: Ryaz Khoja
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