After many many years of seeing the "Leos" popping up in Peter Kahl's Piebald project, I've finally hatched some "on purpose". I remember seeing a Leo hatchling at Pete's place in the mid 90's. At the time we didn't think much of it.....just brushed it off as one of those "non genetic" Jungles....aka "Classic Jungle"
At that time I had been buying pieds, hets and poss hets to get my own Pied project on the ground. I even produced a couple Leos while producing hets and poss hets for myself.........yep.........I sold them!!! Didn't give them a second thought as being anything "special"..........Pete was doing the same thing. Selling the Leos and Pied Leos as regular hets and Pieds.........
Well, without getting into too much TOP SECRET stuff........the Leo gene was figured out once it hit on a that time the gene was called "Jungle"...this was just a name to describe what they looked like........the name "Leopard" was then "agreed on" and now we have a fresh new "pattern chopper" to use in our arsenal for producing crazy pattern mutations.
Getting back to the Leo Spider.......I remember seeing one for the first time and my jaw dropped. That's when I knew the the Leo gene was the "real deal" and I was kicking myself in the ass for not paying more attention to what I was producing from my own stock........I had "Platty Daddy" on the brain!!..........but that's another story..
Soooooo..........after many years I've finally focused on what the heck these things look like and isolated them all in my collection in hopes to start producing some new combos of my own........many breeders have already started the Leo project and have nice established groups to work with.
I know a "secret" about the LEO that not many others do ( it's TRUE POWER! )......aside from the people who have been working very closely with it for many years. A few of you reading this know exactly what I'm talking about........the rest of you can wait!!....HA!!
Anyway..........Kyle and I shot a video clip of 2011 clutch # was a Leo Pied male bred to a normal the video we have one female Leopard out. I will post more vids and updates as more hatch out this season.
Is this called "bloggin'"?........I think some loud mouth snake dude used to do that wayyyy back in the day when it was
not cool.......back then they told the poor bastage to "get a life" we can't live with out a blog can we?!......Ha!!...........I'm OUT!!!!.......and oh retro as it is..........
ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!,dot,dot..........
2011 Leopard Het Piebald Video
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