Reptile and Amphibian Encyclopedia > Snakes > Cobras
CobrasA cobra is a venomous snake, which is a member of the family Elapidae (elapids). The name is short for cobra de capelo, which is Portuguese for "snake with hood," or "hood-snake. When disturbed, most of these snakes can rear up and spread their neck (or hood) in a characteristic threat display. However, not all snakes referred to as cobras are of the same genus, or even of the same family.
- Anchieta's cobra - Naja anchietae (Bocage, 1879)
- Snouted cobra - Naja annulifera (Peters, 1854)
- Arabian cobra - Naja arabica (Scortecci, 1932 )
- Ashe's spitting cobra (Giant spitting cobra) - Naja ashei (Wüster and Broadley, 2007)
- Chinese cobra - Naja atra (Cantor, 1842)
- Egyptian cobra - Naja haje (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Monocled cobra - Naja kaouthia (Lesson, 1831)
- Mali cobra - Naja katiensis (Angel, 1922)
- Mandalay spitting cobra - Naja mandalayensis (Slowinski & Wüster, 2000)
- Forest cobra - Naja melanoleuca (Hallowell, 1857)
- Mozambique spitting cobra - Naja mossambica (Peters, 1854)
- Indian cobra (Spectacled cobra) - Naja naja (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Zebra spitting cobra - Naja nigricincta (Bogert, 1940)
- Black-necked spitting cobra - Naja nigricollis (Reinhardt, 1843)
- Black Necked Spitting Cobra - N. n. nigricollis
- Zebra Spitting Cobra - N. n. nigricincta
- Black Spitting Cobra - N. n. woodi
- Cape cobra (Yellow Cobra) - Naja nivea (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Nubian spitting cobra - Naja nubiae (Wüster & Broadly, 2003)
- Central Asian cobra - Naja oxiana (Eichwald, 1831)
- Red spitting cobra - Naja pallida (Boulenger, 1896)
- Philippine cobra - Naja philippinensis (Taylor, 1922)
- Andaman cobra - Naja sagittifera (Wall, 1913)
- Peters' cobra - Naja samarensis (Peters, 1861)
- Naja senegalensis (Trape, Chirio & Wüster, 2009)
- Indo-Chinese spitting cobra - Naja siamensis (Laurenti, 1768)
- Indonesian cobra - Naja sputatrix (F. Boie, 1827)
- Golden spitting cobra - Naja sumatrana (Müller, 1887)
- Cape coral snakea - A. lubricus (Laurenti, 1768)
- Shield-nosed cobra - A. scutatus (A. Smith, 1849)
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