USARK has issued an absolutely terrifying action alert for Arizona that all animal owners need to be aware of. Please spread the word far and wide. There are almost two identical senate bills being introduces which allow for warrentless search of private property and immediate seizure of animals without cause. What does that mean? USARK explains:
Remember, warrants protect us from unreasonable governmental intrusion. As if that is not bad enough, the bills would make it so that, “The formal rules of evidence do not apply and reliable hearsay is admissible in the postseizure hearing.” Please read that last sentence again! “The formal rules of evidence do not apply and reliable hearsay is admissible…”
First, the formal court rules are tossed out the window. This means that the due process that typically exists in court does not apply. Additionally, hearsay is generally inadmissible in court unless a special exception is provided because it is not considered reliable or trustworthy. If this bill passes, hearsay will be good enough for the seizure and State possession of animals in Arizona. Needless to say, this goes against our constitutional rights as Americans.
We know from what we have seen in Florida what happens when government has too much power, healthy innocent animals that could be relocated and rehomed die
violently on video for all to see. SB1204 has a hearing on Thursday, February 15 with the Senate Natural Resources, Energy and Water Committee. Please share this with everyone you know in Arizona. Visit USARK page
HERE to learn more and keep up to date. Also JOIN USARK. Membership matters. Our numbers count! We will keep you up to date here as well!