There is an update to the proposed South Carolina Venomous Ban. The meeting is being held next week. This is a proposed STATEWIDE ban. From the USARK update:
This bill is scheduled to be heard by the Wildlife Subcommittee on Wednesday, March 19th at 12:30 PM. The location is: Blatt Building Room 409, 1105 Pendleton St, Columbia, SC 29201. Written testimony should be emailed to You can also email to register to speak. Send another comment even if you have already done so, and any stakeholders should attend the hearing to oppose in person. Read the agenda at
Just a reminder that they are including a grandfather clause for current owners who can register their animals and receive permits within 90 days of the law going into effect. There are exemptions included for research facilities and zoos as well.
The proposed banned list is:
Venomous reptiles banned, including hybrids: families Elapidae, Crotalidae, Viperidae, and Hydrophiidae; all reptiles in the genus Heloderma; all reptiles in the family Colubridae belonging to the genera: Rhabdophis, Balanophis, Macropisthodon, Boiga, Dispholidus, Thelotornis, and Thrasops, and all reptiles in the family Atractaspididae.
USARK has supplied sample letters as well as all the contact information in their action alert which can be found