Keep up with news and features of interest to the reptile and amphibian community on the blog. We cover breaking stories from the mainstream and scientific media, user-submitted photos and videos, and feature articles and photos by Jeff Barringer, Richard Bartlett, and other herpetologists and herpetoculturists.
Loving this Blue tongue skink just chilling in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user PatS . Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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What more can we say but AMAZING! This is such a beautiful shot of a Desert Horned Lizard in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user Brockn ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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This momma Suboc is guaring her fresh clutch in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user pecoskid ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Meet the Banded Knob-tailed Gecko, N. wheeleri cinctus.
Earlier we discussed the 2 most distinctive Knob-tailed Geckos, the Centralian and the Queensland Rough-skinned species. Today we’ll take a look at two species, the Three-banded and the Banded Knob-tails, respectively known as Nephrurus levis (three subspecies, N.l. levis, N.l. occidentalis and N.l. pibarenis) and N.wheeleri cinctus. As with other members of this genus, these 2 are capable of “barking” vocalizations.
The Three-banded Knob-tailed Gecko, Nephrurus levis, is the most widespread member of this genus on the Australian Continent. Two of the 3 subspecies of this species occur in westernmost Western Australia. The third, has a vast range throughout most of interior Australia. The reference of 3 bands refers to the three narrow light bands, often dark bordered, that cross the dorsum between the back of the head and the shoulders. If taken literally, the reference to smooth in a second common name is erroneous. It is meant only as a comparison to differentiate the relative skin texture of this species from the very roughened dorsal and lateral skin of other members of this genus.
This species has a rather long, somewhat flattened, knob-tipped tail. Counting tail, the length of this species would be about 5 inches. It, like other members of the genus is oviparous.
The more commonly seen of the 2 subspecies of Wheeler’s Knob-tail, is the northernmore form, N. wheeleri cinctus. It has been elevated to full species status, N. cinctus, by some researchers. It is also known as the Banded Knob tail Gecko. It is restricted to Western Australia.
It is a rough-skinned species with the dorsum being much rougher than the sides. Dorsal and lateral coloration is purplish with wide brownish bands.
This species seems to prefer vegetated rocky areas as habitat.
The Banded Knob-tailed Gecko has a rather long, flattened tail tipped with a small knob. Counting the tail, the length of this species would be about 4 ½ inches. It, like other members of the genus is oviparous.
Both the Banded and the Three-banded Knob-tailed Geckos have proven hardy captives and have been bred numerous times by hobbyists. Aridland terrariums are preferred, and several inches of clean sand is a suitable substrate. Watering is a bit of a chore. Besides not recognizing water dishes as moisture sources, their normal activities usually have dishes rapidly sand filled. It has been found that spraying the terrarium sides in the evenings when these lizards are active is the best solution to the watering question.
Happy Rattlesnake Friday! We just love this close up of a Massasauga in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user venombill ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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What was your first? For so many of us it was the same animal! All hail the mighty Garter Snake in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user TomDickinson for being so many of our first wild herp! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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This gecko in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user uggleedog is so bright we gotta wear shades. Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Happy Ratttlesnake Friday! This Crotalus tigris, found and photographed in AZ, is keeping her eye on you in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user kevinjudd ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Check out this in situ Iguana (Iguana iguana) in our herp photo of the day. It's uploaded by user cycluracornuta.
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Here's to hoping this smiling albino fire salamander (Salamandra s. terrestris) in our herp photo of the day brightens up your morning! It's uploaded by user alessio.
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Happy Rattlesnake Friday! This big momma Timber rattlesnake shot in the field in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user throatoyster is a thing of beauty! Be sure to tell them you liked it here! As always on Friday, we celebrate all of our venomous reptiles for their contribution to the world.
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This male Oorana Mena Panthera Chameleon in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user chameleondean is posing so perfectly! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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This Mexican Pine Snake is SUPER sassy in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user pitparade ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Jake and I were zipping along on our favorite “Canebrake Rattler road” when Jake hollered “softshell, a big one.” Translated that meant photo-op so I swerved, turned, and drove almost up to the turtle—a big female—and she was nesting. Pix were taken and we left, the turtle still undisturbed.
Two hours later, after finding a beautiful canebrake rattler, we decided to recheck the nesting Florida Softshell, Apalone ferox. She was gone. Initially, from the car, it seemed that all was well, that she had laid, covered the nest, and returned to the flooded swamps. But, deciding to take some pix of the turtle’s swampland home, I left the car, our security from the dozens of gathering deerflies, horseflies, and “skeeters,” and Jake elected to take pix of the turtle nest.
Disaster. Her primary nest and several other attempted nestings, had been pilfered.
Our initial thoughts ran to raccoons, a well known and abundant predator of turtles and their eggs. But before leaving we had changed our minds, now leaning toward human predation.
The thought change was brought about by the finding of one intact egg at the mouth of the nest and then finding 2 others, one broken and one still intact several feet away on road edge.
We picked up the 2 “good” eggs after deciding to incubate them while all the while feeling sure that after having been rolled about and dropped incubation would be unsuccessful.
But the hatching, more than 2 months later, proved me wrong. And now we have 2 healthy appearing hatchlings to return to the swamp.
The cutest of our angry creatures, this great field shot of a Snapping Turtle takes the spotlight our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user anuraanman ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Happy Rattlesnake Friday and National Dog day from our venomous bulldog, this Banded Gila Monster in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user DennisDeLapJr! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!As always on Friday, we celebrate all of our venomous reptiles for their contribution to the world.
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How adorable are Kelsey and her pal Stubby the BTS in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user danielle4girls4 ?! Seriously, this is why we fight so hard to have our pets! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Sometimes you need to look outside the box! This stunning Sunbeam Snake may not be the most colorful on first glance, but as you can see in our Herp Photo of the Day, they are a truly beautiful snake, uploaded by user mecdwell! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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This is N. asper, recognized by name rather than appearance
Australia! A veritable land of geckos! But from among this plethora of hobbyist favorites, one group, those of the genus Nephrurus, stands out, or at least once stood out, by the presence of knobs tipping the shortened and/or fattened tails. But now, with its inclusion to the genus by Aaron Bauer, the old Underwoodisaurus millii, a species with a comparatively fat but long tail that bears no visible tipping knob, has become a member of the knobbed cluster. It is N. millii. All are capable of vocalizations.
But this blog post is about only 2 members of the genus whose tails differ from the rest but that are themselves of confusingly similar appearance. These two, the Queensland Rough Knob-tail, Nephrurus asper and the Centralian Rough Knob-tail, N. amyae have, by far, the shortest tails in the genus. The former inhabits much of Queensland, from the Cape York Peninsula southward and the latter ranges over much of central Australia including Northern Territory and extreme eastern Western Australia. Both are associated with ledges, rocks, and arid soils.but in eastern Queensland N. asper may be found to range into areas a little moister than the norm. There it seems associated with creviced, rocky, ledges.
These 2 species are so similar that unless their geographic range is known you will have difficulty determining which is which. The species name asper relates to the rough-skin of these geckos, while amyae is a patronym. Although both are “sand” colored, of the 2, N. amyae, beings associated with red sand areas in Australia, is often the redder while N. asper tends to vary from sand tan to pale brown. Both have faint darker crossbands with the nuchal (neck) band being the most prominent. Dorsally and laterally these two geckos have spiny scales encircled by somewhat enlarged smoother scales.
Both species are hardy captives, feeding well on insects and pill-bugs. They will drink water droplets from the sides of the terrarium or from their own scales when gently sprayed. They may not recognize a shallow dish as a water source. Both species are adult at a svl of 4 ½ to just over 5 inches with the Centralian being slightly the larger and the very short tail adding a few fractions of an inch. They are, like many geckos, terrestrial, lack expanded digital laminae, fully capable of burrowing in suitable soils, and are oviparous.
Happy Rattlesnake Friday from this stunning Rock Rattlesnake (Crotalus lepidus) in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user erindonalson ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!As always on Friday, we celebrate all of our venomous reptiles for their contribution to the world.
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Engineer and YouTuber, Allen Pan decided to give snakes their legs back recently and blew the minds of millions of non-herpers who learned, snakes once had legs! Me personally? I initially thought it was a skink in a wheelchair!
How gorgeous is this Philippine Crocodile in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user TIKBALANG!? Do you know they are critically endangered? You do now! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Welcome to the world little one! That magical moment when a baby takes it's first breath is captured here with this boa in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user dpiscopo69 ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Typically when we share stories of famous people encountering reptiles, it is because they ended badly and stupidly.
Today I want to pay tribute to footballer and hometown boy to me, JJ Watt. If you know me, you know my stance on football. I gave it up for Vick, but JJ here, might get me to buy a Jersey. See in Wisconsin we don't have many rattlesnakes. We only have two species and running across them does take effort and knowledge. We just don't happen upon them in our homes. On occasion, snakes do get into homes, but more often than not it is your basic garter snake or occasionally a milk or fox. Every single rattlesnake call I have gotten to my rescue has been a Fox Snake. But JJ recently joined up with the Arizona Cardinals and had a bit of excitement when a baby snake was in his bathroom. He went to the internet for advice and then promptly disappeared for several hours.
"Alright, here's an update on the snake situation," Watt said. "For those of you who don't know, woke up this morning, went into the bathroom. Found a baby rattlesnake in the corner of the bathroom, curled up in the corner. I'm from Wisconsin, I don't have a lot of experience with snakes. Couple garden snakes here or there, couple in Houston, but don't know a lot about snakes. Don't know how to handle snakes. Not a big fan of snakes. When I got down here to Arizona, everybody said 'watch out for the scorpions and watch out for the rattlesnakes, they live close to the mountains, there's going to be snakes. Monsoon season brings out the snakes. Stay away from rattle snakes. Babies are the most venomous rattlesnakes because they don't know how to handle their venom. They shoot it all in their first bite.' So I got all of this stuff in my head. So I call a guy, I don't know what to do. So, I call this guy and he comes out to the house and he takes a look at it and he just picks it up with his bare hands. And he goes 'ah, it's not a rattlesnake. It's a long nose snake. Completely harmless.' And then he left.
"So, if you ever want to feel like a wimp, that's the way to do it."
Hey JJ, from one cheesehead to another, it isn't being a wimp. It is called being smart. You gave the animal the respect it deserved not knowing what it was. You called an expert in to properly remove and relocate it. You didn't harm the animal in any way. Lastly, you learned a little bit along the way. Next time you are up visiting your folks, hit a sista up. I'll meet up with you and take you somewhere that you can learn some basic stuff to help you out in the future. And thank you for respect that snakes like and not killing it. We need more good guys like you.
If you want to see JJ's tweet about this, click here.
Inset photo from kingsnake gallery user NDokai - see image at
This young banded water snake being very curious in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user casichelydia ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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