Reptile & Amphibian News Blog
Keep up with news and features of interest to the reptile and amphibian community on the blog. We cover breaking stories from the mainstream and scientific media, user-submitted photos and videos, and feature articles and photos by Jeff Barringer, Richard Bartlett, and other herpetologists and herpetoculturists.
Wednesday, January 4 2023
Crocodile researcher Jonathan Triminio talking to students in BelizeJONATHAN TRIMINIO
Saving a reptile species can be a challenging in it's own right, but what if the benefits are saving an ecosystem too? The Crocodile Research Coalition is attempting to do not only that, but potentially save the world! While it seems like lofty goals, it is all butterfly effect. Or should we say Crocodile effect instead?
THe CRC has been tracking the impact of pollution on the native Morelet's Crocodiles since 2019 for impacts of local pollution on the current stable population. This research can then be used to impact not only the animals in the study, but the ecosystem as a whole. With public outreach provided to residents through the CRC, changes happen.
Dr. Marisa Tellez, Executive Director of the Crocodile Research Coalition, says that the biggest challenge at the moment is breaking down over a century of misguided information and false stereotypes about Belize’s crocodiles while simultaneously fighting against the sensationalism of TV shows and media about crocodiles.
"If we want to ensure the long-term success of any conservation program, not only do the local communities need to be educated about the Do’s and Don’ts living alongside wildlife, but they also need to know the facts, along with being involved to further pride and stewardship of one’s natural world," she says.
To read the full article, visit Forbes here!
What a lovely pair of tortoises uploaded by user tripletoes. Tell the kids they are playing leap frog! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Tuesday, January 3 2023
Hopefully the gorgeous blues of this Dendrobates auratus uploaded by user amazonreptile will brighten your day. Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Monday, January 2 2023
O! M! G! Look how tiny this pygmy chameleon is in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user heart_4_herps!
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A side view of the lizard's skull and razor-sharp teeth. (Image credit: David Whiteside, Sophie Chambi-Trowell and Mike Benton/Natural History Museum UK))
The discovery of a new prehistoric lizard shifts the timeline of when reptiles evolved! The remains were found embedded in a rock in storage since the 1950's at the National History Museum in London. Cryptovaranoides microlanius dates back about 202 million years, placing it firmly in the Triassic period. It is also 35 million years earlier than previously recorded reptilian life!
But despite the lizard's small stature, its sharp teeth would have delivered a menacing bite, which inspired the paleontologists to name it Cryptovaranoides microlanius; the species name means "small butcher," while the genus means "hidden" and "lizardlike," a nod to the decades it spent languishing unnoticed in NHM storage. When C. microlanius was alive, it likely preyed on arthropods and small vertebrates on the limestone-rich islands that once surrounded what is now Bristol, according to the study.
To read more about our new favorite dinosaur, click here.
 Florida Banded Water Snakes are very variable in color. Reds do not seem as common as other phases.
Field herpers anywhere within the range of Water Snakes of the genus Nerodia, have probably proclaimed on the abundance of these snakes seen on any “good” night of herping. Often, in my area of north central Florida, the numbers of water snakes have exceeded, or at least run neck-and-neck with the numbers of Cottonmouths seen. Or at least that was the case until last summer. After having seen only a single juvie on a roadway that normally discloses 6 to a dozen on a good night, I have seen only one—one lone juvie in a full season of road-hunting. After each trip I find myself asking “Where have all the Nerodia fasciata pictiventris, FL Banded Water Snakes, gone?”
Be it full moon, new moon or in between moon, warm and clear, warm and cloudy, drizzling, or pouring, I have seen only that single Banded Water Snake in the last several months. With winter now upon us, with water levels dropping in our waterways, even with our warm days (north central Florida,) I don’t really expect that the water snakes will be any more visible. But I sure do hope that the spring of 2023 will bring a resurgence in the numbers that we see. We could use a bolstering in the numbers of Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnakes also.
Continue reading "Where Have all the Water Snakes Gone?"
Friday, December 30 2022
A great shot of a live (as they should be) Pygmy Rattlesnake on concrete in the field in our herp photo of the day uploaded by user JARHEAD1969 ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Thursday, December 29 2022
Love this gorgeous Moluccan python , Morelia clastolepis, in all its shimmering beauty in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user krantz!
Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Wednesday, December 28 2022
Looks like it is date night for this pair of Diamond Jungle Carpet Pythons in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user terrapene! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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The Manning River turtle has had it's population decimated over time, but recent conservation efforts have been proving successful. In the four years the species has been surveyed, they have only found one potential nest but no evidence of any eggs surviving. However now there is light! 4 hatchlings estimated at a week old have recently been discovered proving the start of species recovery.
"Finding hatchlings for the first time in four years gives us a good indication of habitat, where they are nesting and breeding successfully," he said.
"It means we can target follow-up surveys there and we can learn a bit more about their nesting and early life stage ecology."
To read the full story, visit ABC News here.
Tuesday, December 27 2022
This Barking Tree Frog is quite the chonk in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user saltycity ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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Although originally discovered in 1986, the Galapagos Pink Land Iguana ( Conolophus marthae) took a few years to properly type as their own species. The aging population is critically endangered with an estimated 200-300 animals left. Now we are seeing the first official nesting sites of this rare Iguana, for the first time since the species was fully identified in 2009.
“The discovery of the first-ever nest and young pink iguanas together with evidence of the critical threats to their survival has also given us the first hope for saving this enigmatic species from extinction.” Paul Salaman, president of Galápagos Conservancy, says in a statement. “Now, our work begins to save the pink iguana.”
VIsit the Smithsonian Magazine to read more about this amazing conservation effort here.
Monday, December 26 2022
Here is to hoping this hatchling albino Siamese Crocodile our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user crocodilepaul helps you survive this Monday!! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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 Brightly colored and beautiful, this Giant Dwarf boa still retains the even brighter tailtip used in luring their prey of anurans and lizards into striking range.
It seems as if all too often the world’s herpetoculture hobby centers on the almighty dollar. In the 70+ years I have been involved with herps I have seen so many species come and go that I would be at a loss if asked to name them all. But since I’ve been on a “Dwarf Boa” kick for the last few months I’ll just mention one of them—the Giant Trope, Tropidophis melanurus. Since mentioning several species of this genus in my blogs, I have had a number of queries asking about their availability in the American hobby. The answer has been and will seemingly continue to be, they are now longer available. Why? Because hobbyists have chosen to breed more prolific snake species that are easier to breed than the Giant Trope was. Think $$$!
By the way, the term giant pertains to the adult size of T. melanurus as compared to other species in the genus. The adult size of this “giant” varies from about 26 to 36 inches but it is of rather heavy girth. Although it is often of light mud color, some (rather rarely seen) examples are much brighter. It was these, of course, that were being captive bred and available to hobbyists. But sadly, even though easily kept and bred, these little snakes had small litters (usually only 2 to 5) and they disappeared from the American hobby decades ago but it is a commonly seen species in the wilds of Cuba. Prey includes frogs, toads, lizards, and nestling rodents.
And just as a heads up, all species of Tropidophis are capable of, and prone to, autohaemorrhage from the mouth, nostrils and eyes if unduly disturbed.
Continue reading "The Giant Trope, Once Available in the USA"
Thursday, December 22 2022
This lil beardie is gonna have to grow to fill Santa's hat in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user powell_baby ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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Wednesday, December 21 2022
Looks like someone is ready to head to grandma's in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user rosebuds ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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Tuesday, December 20 2022
This cute lil cham is getting ready to help decorate the tree in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user 1Sun! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Monday, December 19 2022
Alert and always keeping his eye on you, this Basiliscus plumifrons shines in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user kus! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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 Stiletto snakes lack an enlarged head but are venomous, and have a short, stout, tail tipped with a spiny scale.
To see any of the several species of African/Mid-Eastern Stiletto Snakes, one would think that they were viewing a harmless little black burrowing snake species. When uncovered these 15 to 26 inch long snakes try immediately to cover themselves again and will quickly succeed unless impeded by substrate or human. All 15+ (according to geneticists there may be 20 or more species) are fast and they are squirmy. They do not have an enlarged head but, heed this hobbyists and systematists) they are venomous and almost impossible, thanks to greatly elongate fangs that slide easily under and beside the upper labial scales, to handle without sustaining a bite. Venom is produced in small quantities but is considered dangerously toxic and is known to cause severe pain. These little burrowers preferentially feed on burrowing reptiles (seemingly on lizards) but will accept nestling mice as well.
It seems that it is the Southern Stiletto Snake, Atractaspis bibroni, that is most often (now rarely) available to American hobbyists and is pictured here.
Continue reading "The Oft Mistaken Stiletto Snake"
Friday, December 16 2022
Happy Rattlesnake Friday! What a stunning shot of an albino Atrox in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user eekster ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here! As always on Friday, we celebrate all of our venomous reptiles for their contribution to the world.

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Thursday, December 15 2022
It is a whole lotta squee in this two for Tuesday pair of hatching Hognose in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user caracal ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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Wednesday, December 14 2022
What do you mean it is a lizard, it ain't got no legs! Check out this field shot of a Glass lizard in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user rosycorn found in Florida! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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Tuesday, December 13 2022
This Tiger Jag Coastal Carpet python in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user reelmassacre looks like he is hoping for snacks! Be sure to tell them you liked it here.
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Monday, December 12 2022
We hope this stunning Diamondback Terrapin in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user RMGARABEDIAN brightens your Monday! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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 Our 5th Trope species of the trip, the Leopard (or Dark Spotted Brown) Trope.
We had looked for Tropidophis pardalis, the Leopard Trope (the genus was formerly recognized as Dwarf Boas) on at least 5 of our Cuban herping/birding excursions, but had never made a truly dedicated search. Although certain we were well within the range of this species we had flipped many rocks and fallen tree corpses but had failed on every occasion. We had seen birds galore—todys, trogons, lizard cuckoos and others, we had seen various lizards and some endangered plants, but zero dwarf boas.
But on this occasion, on the last day of our last trip of 2022, I elected to do something a bit different. The other trip participants again climbed the rather treacherous rock-strewn trail with our group leader, Dr. Luis M. Diaz, but I was going to remain near the entrance and search out turnable rocks on the very muddy substrate. I was positive, after having long discussions with Dr. Diaz and Nils Navarro, that Leopard Tropes were in residence and our failures to find them were merely the quirk of fate known well to all herpers.
My compadres were soon out of sight up the trail. I turned 1 rock, then the second. Only arthropods and oozing mud were seen. I walked slowly through the gate and was confronted with mud and puddles, and in the distance one mud-covered rock resting ankle deep in slurpy-mud. I sloshed over, managed to flip it, and before the water sought its depth there, saw a little brown mud-splattered ball—our first Leopard Trope! And as luck would have it, Luis found a second example higher on the trail. It, too, was beneath a muddy rock.
Continue reading "Our Fifth Trope Species"
Friday, December 9 2022
Happy Rattlesnake Friday! Check out this gorgeous pair of Sidewinders in our herp photo of the day uploaded by user dvenom05 . Remember that on Rattlesnake Friday, we celebrate all our venomous creatures! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Thursday, December 8 2022
How precious and tiny is this! This wee Gargoyle Gecko is delicately perched on a finger in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user madisyn74 ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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Wednesday, December 7 2022
What a lovely pair of Mocquard's beauty snakes , uploaded by user RandyWhittington? in our herp photo of the day! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Tuesday, December 6 2022
Does a kingsnake really need an intro for our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user trevid ? Nope, but hey nice grayband. Be sure to tell them you liked it here!
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Monday, December 5 2022
The Northern Leopard frog ( Lithobates pipiens) is an fairly widespread US Native species that get a spotlight in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user Terry_Cox!
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