The Pet Store Registry is a free feature offered to pet
stores that have an actual "brick and mortar" location and set business
hours. It is not offered to companies or individuals that do business
exclusively over the internet, by phone, via catalog orders, or any
other form of business other than a store with an actual physical
location and regular business hours.
If you have a "brick and mortar" location, it is fine that you also do
internet, phone, or catalog sales, but those must be in addition to
your actual physical store.
All those applying to our listing service must complete, in full,
all required fields.
Any website URLs listed must be for your physical pet store location,
and not for any other businesses, related or unrelated. If your URL
does not go to a website for your store, do not include it.
We do not list pet stores that sell puppies and kittens. This does not
include those stores who host adoption programs for local rescue groups,
humane societies, shelters, etc. Breeders (not third-party re-sellers
or brokers) of dogs and cats who meet the guidelines of our Code of
Ethics Breeder Locators for Dog Breeders
and Cat Breeders may list
themselves there; this feature is also free.
The decision of whether a pet store will be listed in our free locator
will be made entirely at the discretion of editorial staff.
Listings can be edited/changed/removed at any time.
Listings will be processed in a timely fashion but it may take several
days for your listing to be published. We review each listing before
releasing it, and this process takes time. Do not expect to view it