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Bitten six times by rattlesnake, teen updates Facebook status

Tue, November 13 2012 at 11:17

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This post seems a little flip. True, a lot of teenagers do stupid things--I did when I was a teenager--and it seems a little symptomatic of today's Facebook society. But, keep in mind, people who have been bitten by snakes do seemingly peculiar things to try to take their mind off the pain, or to keep awake (if they're afraid that blacking out is the beginning of the end.) I've read about people with a science background reciting the Latin names of animals to keep a clear head; I've also read of people humming a tune or trying to recite poetry. I suppose posting a Facebook status is no stranger.

If this is the same case I read about, this young woman didn't do anything other than not watch where she put her feet. Show a little forbearance and save the snide remarks for someone who was deliberately provoking or hurting a snake and received a richly deserved dose of venom.
#1 JS Argyle on 2012-11-13 21:43 (Reply)
I have never heard of a rattlesnake bitting some (6) times. Is this common or very uncommon? I keep snakes but none of them are venomous and I have never seen a snake bite multiple times unless threy are consistantly provoked. Which is why I wonder why a rattlesnake would bite (6) times.
#2 Stephen Breen on 2012-11-15 09:41 (Reply)
Apparently multiple snakes were involved--the first report said "a mother and young" which, knowing the reliability of the media when it comes to identifying snakes and their grasp of facts, might just mean one significantly bigger snake and some smaller ones. I'm not so sure that a snake would have given birth right out in the open where it could get attacked or stepped on, so I tend to think: "one big snake, some not-so-big snakes" is probably closer to the truth.
#2.1 JS Argyle on 2012-11-16 09:23 (Reply)

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