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Python kill total stalls around 50 as Florida's bounty hunt comes to an end

Mon, February 11 2013 at 19:58

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Unbelievable. Its amazing how ignorant some people are. Peta and HSUS are doing a great job arent they promoting chaos undercover.
#1 Disbelief on 2013-02-11 21:43 (Reply)
"Hundreds of thousands"--okay, well-camouflaged stealth predators they may be, but hundreds of thousands of pythons are a little hard to miss. This is why I barely follow the news reports on this issue anymore (on TV and in the papers, that is.)
#2 JS Argyle on 2013-02-12 17:31 (Reply)
Morphobank shows a sand boa that looks to be about 20'L hanging on a clothes line as man in background looks terrified!(Morphobank media number, M88666;Specimen UF:155335; Project 536). When will this terrible invasion halt!
#3 Wayne Fowlie on 2013-02-13 16:10 (Reply)

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