The budget sequester has forced the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to slash port inspections at night and on the weekends, potentially leaving thousands of fish and reptiles stuck in an import limbo that could devastate two industries just getting back on their feet after the economic downturn.
In a
press release, the USFWS said the service "has imposed a hiring freeze (meaning that wildlife inspector vacancies will not be filled) and has suspended all overtime activities (including those at ports of entry."
Marshall Meyers of the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC) said, "The USFWS advised importers/exporters of live wildlife that the Service will no longer inspect shipments after hours on weekdays (normally after 4:30 pm), Saturday/Sunday or federal holidays. The notice states that this will remain in effect through fiscal year 2013, so even if budget issues are resolved, USFWS says the clearance embargo will remain in place."
As many, if not most, international flights arrive after hours or on weekends, importers serving the pet industry are most likely going to be crippled if they cannot find alternative air transportation, which will itself undoubtedly result in longer, less direct, flights. Several importers have advised PIJAC that the USFWS decision is likely to result in their suspending operations or simply going out of business.
Members of both the USFWS and PIJAC are currently in Thailand attending the 26th meeting of the CITES Animals Committee, which is addressing a number of agenda items including sharks, snakes, sturgeons, corals, and listing criteria for commercially exploited aquatic species. Hopefully PIJAC and USFWS will have a chance to discuss options to avert this crisis.
More details as they come in.
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