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Join USARK - Fight for your rights! United States Association of Reptile Keepers

Sequester cuts threaten reptile imports

By Jeff Barringer
Tue, March 12 2013 at 14:51

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USFWS is going to cause the untimely death of 100's if not 1000's of animals due to this embargo. I don't understand the shortage of money, as they (USFWS & FWC) have increased the import fees and overtime charges to compensate for their time. The entire pet industry is going to suffer from this. The prices will increase on many species. I will now be importing from a select few countries.
#1 Exotic Pets Wholesale (Homepage) on 2013-03-13 10:18 (Reply)
It is very odd as this is one of the few revenue centers for the agency, and due to the nature of overseas flights, the lions share of inspection fees. It accounts for millions of dollars in revenues while virtually everything else the service does is a cost center, an expense. Why the service would choose to do this to one of the few things that brings in money, vs. other programs that don't is a mystery. It may be that the service is trying to send a message to the people that will scream the loudest, and that would be people with a financial interest. The problem is though they account for millions of dollars their numbers are rather small and not tremendously powerful, so their screaming won't rise above anyone elses right now. Poor strategic move on FWS part.
#2 Jeff Barringer on 2013-03-13 10:50 (Reply)
Funding is not the real issue. This is a move to curtail an industry that is people-popular and gov.-restrictive; another creeping socialism worry.
#3 Wayne Fowlie on 2013-03-14 15:55 (Reply)

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