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Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research United States Association of Reptile Keepers

"Pet" Alligators and their sickening fate

Wed, September 15 2010 at 23:14

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Such a sad story and one those in rescue have dealt with a few times.
#1 Cindy Steinle on 2010-09-16 08:32 (Reply)
It sounds as though regardless of size (3ft is still quite small), these unfortunate animals were the subjects of neglect. You simply found animals unable to escape such an environment.
Animals of all shapes and sizes have suffered under neglectful supervision.
#2 scott on 2010-09-27 12:07 (Reply)
Yikes :-( I'm sorry for those poor gators and sorry ya'll had to see that.

I'm 99% pro pet trade but I have to admit if gators became unobtainable tomorrow I would be 100% fine with that.
#3 Paul White on 2010-09-30 17:50 (Reply)
yeah, columbus has some idiots screwing around in reptiles here lately, guy bred some green condas, trying to sell them out at 650 a pop. these people have no clue what there doing. and no care for the animals they are dealing with. just wanting more money for there drugs. :-(
#4 Dustin on 2010-09-30 17:50 (Reply)
I have found this situation with exotics as a general rule. I have done ferret rescue in California, it was sickening. Many of the owners were tweakers who weren't willing to spend money of correct food and husbandry. A lot of alternative live style people are drawn to exotics, I were my freak flag high. It just kills me when I walk into a house to take a very sick animal only to see children that have to stay in that mess. I have taken in reptiles, I find that there are herp lovers that have an exceptional love for not only the animals but for learning about them on a whole other level. While there are bad cases my over all experience in the herp community is awesome, responsible and an over all great group of people. I have just begun reestablishing my collection as well as field observation and Herpetological self study via text books from Amazon. I remembered my rescue days and the first thing I did was adopt an abandoned Corn and Ball. They will be my good will ambassadors for my educational efforts. I have used reptiles and amphibians in church ministry to dispel the notion they are evil but rather a very important part of our ecosystems that we should be good stewards of.
#5 David L (Homepage) on 2010-10-09 18:42 (Reply)
This isn't just happening to large "exotics" - it's happening to all animals in a bad economy in a world where compassion is quickly taking a back seat (if it ever existed for many people). I've taken in smaller, more common animals in simlar situations from "decent" "respectable" families, too. It's just worse with reptiles because they can "survive" longer in worse conditions before they die.
#6 Katrina (Homepage) on 2010-10-12 10:59 (Reply)
Its always sad to hear of situations like this. There are several people around the country that would galdly give animals like these a good home. I own a pet store and we would galdy take animals in and readopt them out to people. Gators make very good pets(as long as u have the space and the knowledge to care for them.) to most people i would tell them to try a different animal. I have adopted 2 alligators over the last 15 years and have done well with them. They have a 1200 gallon pond, and a very large enclosure. Which is bigger then the enclosure at the zoo where I used to live.
#7 Jason (Homepage) on 2010-10-25 05:45 (Reply)

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