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Sound Off: Petite woman who bagged ancient gator

By Cindy Steinle
Wed, September 22 2010 at 14:28

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It's all about methods. Hunting deer isn't always the most sporting thing ever (feeding stations? C'mon). And I just don't know how they did the hunt.

Oddly though some of the less humane methods (spear hunting for instance) are more sporting in that it's harder to get the animal and you're up for more of a's got a better chance of getting away and/or harming you than it does if you're using a rifle or bow.
#1 paul on 2010-09-22 15:11 (Reply)
That gator didn't do anything to deserve to be tortured and killed. I can't understand how or why someone can be so cruel. Gators aren't evil monsters out to eat people. The question I have for the lady that killed that gator is "Why couldn't you have just left him alone?" Because of what she did that's one less beautiful animal for us to enjoy.
#2 Chris on 2010-09-22 18:25 (Reply)
a gator of that size is a rare find. Wouldn't it have been better to take photos of the gator. What was HUMANE about any part of that hunt and kill?
#3 Linda on 2010-09-22 20:06 (Reply)
SICKENING!!!!!! This animal survived the hardships of the wild long enough to reach that size only to meet it's demise by being tortured and killed with no respect by some dopey bitch out for a thrill. An animal that size is a find and a treasure and should have been preserved. It's ignorant people that should be culled.
#4 Richie on 2010-09-22 21:09 (Reply)
There was another guy on the web recently that killed another big brute like that. They should get married and commit suicide.
#4.1 Dean Ripa on 2010-09-22 22:51 (Reply)
Stupid bitch. What's the point? her 2 minutes of fame?
#5 Peter on 2010-09-22 22:10 (Reply)
So...are all of ya'll anti-hunting in general?
#6 paul on 2010-09-22 22:19 (Reply)
Absolutely not. I believe if you kill it you should eat it. Hunting purely for sport or the thrill of the kill is what I'm against. In most cases hunting is necessary to control natural animal populations but there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. This gator was senselessly tortured and killed for no good reason.
#6.1 Richie on 2010-09-22 23:34 (Reply)
Actually I am not. I do not hunt, but that is primarily because I am a klutz and I hate the cold. I do find issue with numerous ways to kill the gator.

I live in hunting country, I believe in hunting as a sustainable meat solution, but I see nothing good in killing to kill. I follow the ways of the nug. :-)
#7 Cindy Steinle on 2010-09-22 22:56 (Reply)
While I'm not against hunting, and understand the need to control populations of certain animals, I still think THIS particular act was wrong. I think that they should be "killed" humanely as possible.

And also...that poor gator was 13-feet long. He had lived a long life, and deserved to finish it out. It's so hard for gators to survive to those lengths! I feel sorry for him.
#8 Carrie on 2010-09-22 23:15 (Reply)

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