When we talk about "snake handling" here on kingsnake.com, we're not talking about religion. But today on National Public Radio, they are.
From NPR:
Worshiping with snakes dates back more than 100 years, but today, the major Pentecostal denominations denounce the practice.
There are an estimated 125 snake-handling churches scattered across Alabama, Georgia, the Carolinas and Appalachia, where the tradition is strongest. Snakes in church are against the law everywhere but West Virginia, though in most states it's a misdemeanor offense the authorities don't bother with.
There are the five signs often practiced in snake handling churches, including the sipping of poison such as strychnine or lye as a test of their faith.
[Pastor Jamie] Coots has been bitten nine times by venomous snakes. Each time he refused medical attention. Half of his right middle finger is gone as a result of a fang from a yellow rattler. In 1995, a woman who was bit in his church refused to go to the hospital; she died on Coots' couch while they prayed over her.
Such is the conviction of his belief that Coots has agreed not to call EMS if [his son] Little Cody is bitten. "He has been bit five times by cottonmouths, and he has already told me, 'Dad, I'll never go to a doctor,' " says his father.
Read and listen to the rest of the story
Photo: NPR
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