Humans battle over the dinner check, but in Australia, a python and a crocodile battled over which one of them would
be dinner. Ctizen journalist Tiffany Corlis was on the scene and caught it on her camera.
From BBC News:
"It was amazing," she told the BBC. "We saw the snake fighting with the crocodile - it would roll the crocodile around to get a better grip, and coil its body around the crocodile's legs to hold it tight."
"The fight began in the water - the crocodile was trying to hold its head out of the water at one time, and the snake was constricting it."
"After the crocodile had died, the snake uncoiled itself, came around to the front, and started to eat the crocodile, face-first," she added.
Ms Corlis said it appeared to take the snake around 15 minutes to eat the crocodile.
The snake was "definitely very full," when it finished, she said. "I don't know where it went after that - we all left, thinking we didn't want to stick around!"
Read the full story, and see the rest of her photos,
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