Did you ever find anything cool when you were a kid? How about discovering an entirely new species in a swimming pool?
From National Geographic:
The 1.5-inch-long (4-centimeter-long) frog "is rather strange-looking—it’s quite fat with short legs and bright orange spots on its sides," said Luis German Naranjo, WWF Colombia‘s conservation director.
Naranjo and a team of scientists were surveying wildlife in eastern Colombia’s Orinoco savanna, including animals found on a small farm.
Expecting to find little more than livestock, the team was surprised when the farmer’s seven-year-old son, whose name was given only as Camilito, called the group over to a pool. There, in the water, was the small spotted frog.
The team’s herpetologist, Daniel Cuentas, had never seen anything like it, and immediately set out looking for other examples.
Photo: Adam Dixon, WWF
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