The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed including the common snapping turtle (
Chelydra serpentina), Florida softshell turtle (
Apalone ferox), smooth softshell turtle (
Apalone mutica), and spiny softshell turtle (
Apalone spinifera) in Appendix III of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES or Convention), including live and dead whole specimens, and all readily recognizable parts, products, and derivatives.
The Fish and Wildlife Services feels that listing these four native U.S. freshwater turtle species (including their subspecies, except
Apalone spinifera atra, which is already included in Appendix I of CITES) in Appendix III of CITES is necessary to allow us to adequately monitor international trade in these species; to determine whether exports are occurring legally, with respect to State and Federal law; and to determine whether further measures under CITES or other laws are required to conserve these species.
To read the USFWS proposal in its entirety and to file a response, please review the
USFWS announcement at the Federal Register website. Comments on this proposed rulemaking action must be submitted by December 29, 2014, for consideration.
Gallery photo by kingsnake user d156156156
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