Each September our rescue receives an increase in calls. "My child has had this XXX pet for 5 years but now he is moving away to college and I dont want it". Too common and too annoying. While I fully appreciate the fact that reptiles are not for some people, seriously the addition of a pet should be in everyone's best interests.
From a news article in the Charleston daily mail, the lack of education in families is present.
Jeremiah Matson was 7 when he talked his parents into letting him buy an iguana from a pet store in Charleston, S.C.
"I thought it would live a couple weeks," said his mother, Rhonda Matson of South Charleston. "My son was 21 and in his third year of college when the iguana died."
Countless folks have become pet owners by happenstance.
In the case of Spike the iguana, the entire family grew to love him as he grew from just eight inches in length to four and a half feet, including tail. After its death, the Matsons first thought about preserving the iguana for observation because Jeremiah was considering a medical career. Everyone then decided Spike was just too special for that and the family buried him.
Kids, include your parents. If you go to school the pet will become theirs. Make sure everyone is prepared for any animals, cats dogs or reptiles coming in. If you want to read the full article go
Please use common sense when aquiring herps. Some live very long lives and when your considering a reptile for a pet, you are the caretaker for it's life.
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