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Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research click here for Rodent Pro

Shout-out to the ladies of the herp world

By Cindy Steinle
Fri, October 22 2010 at 20:32

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I, too, am the herper in my family. My daughter has also started with ball pythons. While you're in Vegas, you must stop by the Snake Shop. It's in the Fantastic Indoor Swap meet. Randy Klaus is the owner. His wife, Annalisa, died of cancer last year. She never let me leave without getting a new animal. She also answered all of my questions about breeding and sold my babies when they hatched. She was Randy's life.

I now live in Oregon and hope to spread the love of herps to my 6th grade students. I bring in different cornsnakes each week for the kids to hold. Kids want to have my class so that they get to hold the snakes. People thought it was unusual at first, but it's now just accepted (small town of 4500). My daughter even started a reptile class at 4H camp this summer. My reptiles are part of who I am.

#1 Nancy Thompson (Homepage) on 2010-10-22 23:57 (Reply)
Darndest thing...always liked "critters" as a kid. Got started for my 18th birthday, (Geez 1972). My inspiration was the original "Star Trek" series. One show featured the "Gorn," and I was smitten. First lizards were two male Green Anoles, (huge mistake). But the one lived over four years, so I had to be doing something right. Since then, my lizards have graduated from terrariums to their own room...a bedroom with East/South/ West windows and no cages. Tables were built by the windows, (which were changed to casements for indoor screen climbing), and all the necessary Vitalites, etc for their health. Temperature, humidity, and air quality are controlled. Also began studying homeopathic medicine 20 years ago to ensure their health. Now have Sceloporus and Leiocephalus lizards.
#2 Bonnie Kreiser on 2010-10-23 05:23 (Reply)
Awesome post here! I am also a female "herper!" As a kid, I always wanted snakes but my mom was freaked out by them - even my garter snake, which she made me get rid of! So when my husband and I went to our first reptile show and bought a corn snake, I was so excited! Unfortunately, an unscrupulous breeder sold us a hatchling that was far too young and did not survive with us. That didn't stop us though! Now we have a wide collection of corn snakes and ball pythons. My husband helps me, but I think I get way more excited about it than he does - the whole breeding process is awesome, and I am so excited when the little babies start pipping their eggs! I cry when we lose a baby snake - yeah, I know it happens, but we had a DIE this year in the egg and it was a beautiful bumblebee and I cried like a girl... well... I am a girl, so I guess that's ok! :-) Keeping, breeding, and raising snakes has definitely been fun, and I plan to continue doing so, as long as my husband can put up with me and the snakes ;-)
#3 Jenny Mark (Homepage) on 2010-10-23 18:39 (Reply)
I've loved reptiles since I was very young. My mom however, did not share my obsession & made me turn loose any I caught. I have kept a multitude of lizards throughout my adult life, but snakes have always been my passion. I did not start keeping snakes until a few years back. My husband of 32 yrs. has always been afraid of snakes, so I respected that. Then one day I decided I had to have snakes in my life & he could either accept it or leave. Well, he's still here & 25 snakes later he barely notices, but he still doesn't help with any of the upkeep or feedings. The snakes are all mine, except the sunglow corn he claims. Since I do all the work I never ask him if I can have another & when a new box comes in he just says what kind this time. He really is a good husband, but my snakes are my life! I have boas, pythons, corns & cal-kings. I don't breed any as yet, but plan on it when some get old enough.
#4 De'Andrea Priddy on 2010-10-29 04:23 (Reply)

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