All throughout history people have been ignorant to various situations in life. For example... back in the old days when people got bit by venomous snakes they thought they could actually suck out the venom and you would be fine. People actually thought that a coachwhip would chase you down and beat you with its tail. People thought that milk snakes actually miked livestock. People are still ignorant about snakes today and I just wonder to myself why someone would rather be ignorant to a certain situation instead of being informed. Education has always been really big in my book. Without education what else do we actually have? Houses, cars, and nice things can always be repossessed, but no matter what people can never take away the things we learn in life. Reptiles have always been my passion in life, especially snakes and it just bothers me to see how must people are still ignorant about them even in today's society. People will always fear what they don't understand and kill what they fear. i don't know why people just can't inform themselves about the world that we live in and come to terms that the planet is not solely ours.
People are ignorant, greedy, selfish, and cruel. We believe that this planet is ours and we don't even take care of it. We like to think that we are the most intelligent creatures to ever walk this earth but when in fact we are probably the dumbest. We destroy our planet (our home) faster then it could possibly ever repair itself. We consume the resources faster then they could ever replenish but yet we are so smart and brilliant. The human race has only been great at one thing throughout history and that is destroying and killing everything and anything around it. The world is only going to come to an end through one disaster and that is going to be caused by human interference and manipulation. When the world is begging for answers and praying to God to save us all from our own mistakes, maybe then will someone begin to realize that this planet was never ours to destroy and we should have cared a little more about the only place that we have to call home.
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