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During the busy October Northwestern Berks Reptile Expo in Hamburg, PA, I had an opportunity to catch a moment with John and Gregg from Squatama Concepts. They have developed the S.I.M. incubator container.
From their website:
The S.I.M. stands for Suspension Incubation Method relating to how the eggs are incubated on a grid off the substrate. This prohibits direct contact with a wet substrate and allows approximately 100% gas exchange between the container environment and the egg membrane. Eggs incubated buried in dampened substrate are subjected to excess water which often results in drowned egg(s). Also in contrast to this, too little water or humidity results in egg desiccation.
We had a fun hilarious time shooting this quick video. Moving from the venue due to the noise level, to John flipping through photos and not looking up at all, to Gregg being too technical, to shooting in nice exterior foliage-covered locale until the jackhammer kicked in, and then finally shooting between the venue's exterior wall and the cemetery. At least John's jeans were zipped in the the final version, as I had zoomed in on the SIM container being held at waist level I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them and wish them much success with their product.
Gregg also kindly provided some photos of the SIM incubator container in use:
A clutch of hognose snake eggs in the SIM container.
Hatching Heterodon nasicus (albino Western Hognose snake)
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