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Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research click here for Rodent Pro

Burmese Pythons: Guilty until proven innocent

By Cindy Steinle
Wed, October 27 2010 at 09:10

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I find it interesting that on a site called Christian Science readers aren't provided with the option to comment on articles... I really wanted to because the article in question is complete sensationalism, incredibly insensitive to animals (yes snakes are animals too) and worse, riddled with lies and manipulative half-truths which I will here expose! The whole aim was to argue that the pythons can survive north of the effected area, which is a complete lie and will be exposed as such! I like how the author, Alysia Patterson, wrote that the area "plunged into an extremely unusual cold spell" how sensational and manipulative are those words! Wonder why she failed to say how cold that supposed cold spell was? Well I found out it was something like 37. I further found something that proves the article even more dihonest. Two years ago an almost identical temperature drop took place in January! Jee, that's one year apart from being a yearly occurrence, it's called winter! They can't even survive in the habitat they are so-called "thriving" in!! The stupidity, dishonesty and selfishness involved here is phenomenal! The bottom line, if you don't have a valid reason to prevent people from having captive bread snakes, then sit down and shut up, and go get bit by someone's dog (dogs account for 95%+ of the serious and life threatening pet-related injuries!) If you don't like snakes, don't buy one, but don't tell me I can't have one! This ban is unconstitutional and will fall flat on it's face.

Blessed be to all the snake owners! We shall overcome this!

#1 Sky (Homepage) on 2010-10-28 00:24 (Reply)
Great article, these people need to stop with the burm thing and let them do there thing! before it was alligators are taking over and there all over the place, now burms come in and lower alliagot population and they get mad! they need to leave the snakes alone and get educated on how to deal with one if u come across it and what not.
#2 Leam on 2010-10-28 13:32 (Reply)

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