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Choking 17 year old iguana AFTER EATING

By tedwagner
Tue, October 26 2010 at 22:35

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And NO she is Definently not overheating. She is choking or cant breathe.
#1 tedwagner on 2010-10-26 23:08 (Reply)
Odd question. Does anyone have long hair? And yes a vet is needed.
#2 Cindy Steinle on 2010-10-27 08:04 (Reply)
Yes there was a ex here not long ago with long hair. And actually I had a younger iguana who had the same problem???? and passed away on me before I got him to the animal hospital. I am bringing Roni in to the vet today at 3:00 and I will let you know what they say or what comes out of this. I am bringing her here to see Dr. Horton

Chicago Exotics Animal Hospital
3735 W. Dempster St.
Skokie, IL 60076 map

I will post what they say later this evening.

I understand the hair after watching my other iguana die in my hands, this is more like JUST after she eats and other than that she is fine? If that helps.
#2.1 tedwagner (Homepage) on 2010-10-27 18:17 (Reply)
not familiar with that clinic in Chi. I had an issue because my hair is very long and blonde wrapping around the epiglottis. It was hard to even see because the hair is so light. It would inflame when the iguana ate and cause a choking.
#3 Cindy Steinle on 2010-10-28 12:07 (Reply)
Thank you for the input. :-)
#3.1 tedwagner (Homepage) on 2010-10-28 17:31 (Reply)

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