An inaccurate report published last night in the Miami Herald set the stage for bad news, but while today the USFWS has chosen
not to list the boa constrictor as an invasive species at this time, they did list the reticulated pythons and three species of anaconda.
press release issued today by the service stated:
"The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) today declared the reticulated python, DeSchauensee’s anaconda, green anaconda and Beni anaconda as “injurious” under the Lacey Act. A fifth snake, the boa constrictor, is removed from consideration for listing as an injurious wildlife species.
The listing will prohibit import of the four snakes into the United States and its territories, as well as transport across state lines for snakes already in the country, and is intended to help restrict the snakes’ spread in the wild. Following opportunities for public comment, an economic analysis and an environmental assessment, the Service produced the final rule, which is expected to publish in the Federal Register March 10. The prohibitions in the rule will go into effect 30 days after publication and apply to live individuals, gametes, viable eggs or hybrids of the four snakes."
To read the complete press release,
click here.
Photo: user Steve Ray
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