Conservationists are working to make sure Florida has a great turtle season this year, and are on the lookout for green turtles.
From news-press.com:
Kelly Sloan, sea turtle program coordinator Sanibel/Captiva Conservation Foundation, also has plans to make this a good year for turtles.
"Coyotes are a problem," Sloan explained. "We are going to attempt to screen every nest this year. Hopefully that will keep the coyotes out."
Sloan is also hoping for lots of green turtles this year. They had a record number of greens, 23 of them, in 2013 and none last year. Sloan is also starting a big campaign with a slogan "After Nine it's Turtle Time," in an attempt to get people to turn off or conceal lights at night. Hatchlings use the lights from the horizon to find the water. Artificial light can lure them the wrong way.
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