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We need to do our part

By pythonaddict
Fri, November 26 2010 at 20:06

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The problem is that you can find yourself suddenly on the wrong end of HOA agreements, city by laws and any variety of other petty all of the sudden your formerly legal pets are on the wrong side of new legislation/HOA rules and you're SOL.

It's good to try to help educate people but I'll still keep fairly quiet about what I keep at home.
#1 Varanid on 2010-11-29 12:52 (Reply)
You are very correct. All of those things could happen, some may still possibly. But what is the major cause of these problems? Ignorance. I won't say stupidity, because some of these people are extremely intelligent, but are ignorant to snakes. And snakes are only an example, this goes for any type of animal that is chastised because of what it is. And what promotes their ignorance? Stupidity. But that doesn't make sense, does it? Think about it...all of these laws have tried to come in to play because of stupid owners. Owners that don't think about how big that burm is going to get, and let it go. Or the person that let their snake escape and attack a child or eat their neighbor's precious Fluffy. Because of the stupid ones, the rest of the responsible reptile world is held accountable as well. Just my thoughts.
#1.1 pythonaddict on 2010-11-30 21:02 (Reply)
I agree most people make a real ewww face when you mention snakes either pets or wild.

Nicely written. :-)

#2 CAC on 2010-11-29 16:05 (Reply)

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