At least three times a week, I hear, "You keep snakes?!" Yes, we do. And we aren't ashamed of it. Sometimes, I'm met with animosity, sometimes I get loads of questions. I'm far from an expert, and I answer what I can. It's one topic I never get tired of discussing. I could sit all day and answer the most ridiculous questions. Why? Because I'm educating someone. I'm giving someone knowledge they didn't have before. Am I making a snake fan? Probably not. But will they be more likely to hesitate to kill the next one they find in their yard? Maybe, and it could be just enough time for the little guy to escape.
Most people are taught at a young age that snakes are something to be feared. I was. I remember as a child, watching my parents lift rat snakes (chicken snakes down here) out of our duck's nest and kill them. At the time, I thought it was safer that way. Now I know different. My dad, the biggest anti-snake person you will ever meet, has finally realized that non-venomous snakes don't have to be eliminated, and he'll let them go. The venomous ones are another story, and I won't argue his point. He called me over the summer and said, "Well, you'd be proud, I fished a Coach Whip out of the pool and I didn't kill him. He better not come back though..."
When people ask us stupid questions about snakes or anything that is given a bad reputation, we need to answer as honestly and truthfully as possible. Ridicule is only met with more animosity towards the topic. We need to look at it this way, at least they are interested enough to ask, and don't just automatically say, "You're crazy!" and walk away.
Answer people's questions, give them all the benefits of snakes, not just keeping as pets, but as our wildlife as well. We should stand proud as reptile owners, not damn ourselves by not discussing our hobby. My dad is the perfect example. He's still terrified of snakes, still hates the fact that we keep them in our house with his grandchild, but because of our talks, a Coach Whip lived to see another day. And that makes it worth all the oxygen I thought I was wasting.
It's good to try to help educate people but I'll still keep fairly quiet about what I keep at home.
Nicely written.
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