In the city where I live, I have come across many snakes from the highly venomous to the non-venomous. The Russell’s viper (
Daboia russelii) is one of the highly venomous snakes I confront. Rescuing Russell’s vipers and studying them has been one of my finest experiences in my herpetology career.
If I rescue 10 snakes a week, at least 4 of them are Russell’s vipers. While researching these snakes, I came to know many amazing facts about them. One such fact was actually so amazing that I never dreamed of witnessing it: "A female Russell’s viper brings 70 more venomous vipers in the world."
Yes, my friends, you got it right. A few days back I saw a female Russell’s viper and all of her babies, which I rescued in their mini-hospital snake container. I was left awestruck for a few minutes after being told that it was really happening.
Though being in a large number, I could clearly see the babies with their mother, moving to and fro even though they weren't in a spacious container. After seeing them a bit congested, I moved them to a larger crate where they were able to move freely.
I took some easy snaps, gave some privacy to this venomous family, and after some hours I released them into a suitable environment for the betterment of their future.
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