U.S. District Judge Kurt D. Engelhardt sentenced Illinois resident Keith Cantore to 41 months incarceration, to be followed by three years of supervised release and $100 special assessment as well as $41,000 in restitution after he attempted to purchase 100 North American Wood Turtles for $40,000.
“The poaching of Wood Turtles has had a significant negative impact on its population in the wild. In effect, this defendant was willing to help drive this species to extinction to make a few bucks. " - Raymond R. Parmer, head of ICE Homeland Security Investigations in New Orleans
According to court records, Cantore was charged with three counts of purchasing and/or attempting to purchase threatened species of turtles that were illegally captured from the wild, a violation of the federal Lacey Act. Cantore was previously convicted of federal charges related to the illegal sale of turtles and that he continued to illegally sell turtles while on bond for the current charges.
To read the Department of Justice press release
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