Today is Nag Panchami, a traditional day of worship of snakes or serpents observed by Hindus throughout India and also in Nepal. On the Nag Panchami day Nag, cobras, and snakes are worshiped with milk, sweets, flowers, lamps and even sacrifices. Images of Nag deities made of silver, stone, wood, or paintings on the wall are first bathed with water and milk and then worshiped with the reciting of mantras. The piety observed on this day is considered a sure protection against the fear of snake bite. At many places, real snakes are worshipped and fairs held. On this day digging the earth is taboo as it could kill or harm snakes which reside in the earth.
In the past people would gather serpents, and snake charmers would bring their finest snakes to the temples, but changes in India's laws have made snake charming and snake possession illegal, changing the way the event is celebrated for most. Though some still try to celebrate the old ways, authorities keep a watch over events, confiscating and releasing snakes used by the celebrants.
"It's the cobra and rat snakes that are most commonly displayed by snake charmers. We urge people to be alert and capture their pictures and alert the local police station or snake rescue helplines so that they can be nabbed and the snake be freed from torture." Nitin Walmiki - Eco-Echo
To read more about Nag Panchami
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