In Daytona this year, Kim Foose talked me into actually putting myself forward to talk about the women in the reptile community.
I have blogged already about preparing the talk, reaching out to folks on the site for their feedback on how things were for them, coming up and getting started. I researched women historically and interviewed many women currently working in the field. I was still a total ball of nerves when it came time to actually give a talk on the subject, this time to the Southern Nevada Herp Society in Las Vegas. (An audio of my talk will be available soon for those who can't believe I finally pulled it off)
I sit on the board of directors of the Chicago Herp Society, and it was great to see another group in action. Kim and Ken are really big driving forces of the organization and are really reaching out. My favorite of their programs is the
Junior Herpers Club. It touches the same topics most herp societies do, but is specifically aimed at training and grooming kids. How cool is that?
The holiday meeting was much like the Chicago Herp Society's, featuring a potluck party with a fabu raffle. Tickets were sold for big items, and then those were tossed into a large bag for smaller fun things. Ken Foose was the raffle ring leader and amused everyone present.
But I'm leaving out that they did it only the way Vegas can. Yep, they had a showgirl, or more appropriately a belly dancer,who has performed all over Vegas. That's right,
Neferteri the Snake Goddess joined us along with her albino green Burmese, Seiti. Of course we have video of that coming, too.
I enjoyed meeting all the folks out there, who were kind and welcoming. I'm glad to have gotten the talk out, and hope to be expanding the talk in the future.
I also can't thank Desiree Wong enough for doing my PowerPoint presentation. I am not familiar with that program, and I am so pleased to have had her in my corner. Also, good luck to the new board of the Southern Nevada Herp Society! Hope you have a great year!
And of course, photos after the bump!
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