Regulars to our chats and forums know Vegasbilly for his love of rear-fanged snakes and hitting the field when out working. When I was out in Vegas, who better to meet than Billy himself, and his group of critters?
Now I had an additional reason to visit. I was going through dog withdrawal. My senior bulldog is not doing well, and I just needed some fur to help the homesick blues. I got to see Billy's Scrubs, who were both in shed, so there are no pics.
Bill has such an excitement for his reptiles. He shared stories about each one and where it came from. His desire to herp and stories about catching just the perfect time were infectious. Des and I were almost late for our dinner date, we were having so much fun. I do thank him for having us in his reptile room, much like myself, we maneuver in such a small area but make the most of the space allotted. It was especially nice to get a chance to see the herps since Billy had been out of town for the week on work before we got there. It can be hard while getting things ready for their winter nap and rearranging the room to have guests over.
Oh, yeah, and Billy? I remember herper rules, I won't tell the wife on ya!
After the bump, herp photos.
I just couldn't resist leading in with his hunk of an American Bulldog.
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