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What do you want to see in the herp industry?

By Varanid
Sun, December 12 2010 at 11:51

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Here is the main one I can think of that I would like to see in our industry:

1) Some feeder item for snakes that is equivalent in size to small to medium sized rats, or even any sized rodent feeders in general that is much more easily produced and readily available that is offered at similar inexpensive prices ($1.50-2.50). There seems to often be a shortage of small/medium sized rats (at least with the suppliers I use and have looked at), and oftentimes I have a hard time finding small-meds. in stock without either having to resort to purchasing them from one of my local pet stores for $3.50 each or more or having to buy the next smallest size down.
#1 EricWI on 2010-12-15 19:35 (Reply)
How about decent filters for turtles? The purpose made filters for turtles are for little turtles that live in little tanks, and frankly suck (not like they are supposed to, either lol). I want to see purpose made filters for larger turtles and perhaps even crocodilians, ya know animals that take large dumps--larger than what pond or fish filters can easily handle.
#2 Troy (Homepage) on 2010-12-20 12:10 (Reply)
Troy: Oh god yes. My wife bought me a baby RES back when we were dating (7 or 8 years ago) and that's been a constant issue. I use the biggest fluval canister filter I can buy but it isn't ideal by any stretch. I love chelonians but they're too space intensive to keep many of.
#3 Varanid on 2010-12-20 14:04 (Reply)

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