A black female Kaznakov's viper.
One female is orange with black markings, one is almost all black, and the male is mostly orange. I can let you have them for, awwww—I’ve forgotten how much—but the amount was almost affordable so I became the owner of a viper taxon that I had long wanted to work with. These were Kaznakov’s vipers,
Vipera kaznakovi.
This is a small (15 to 24 inch long), rather heavy bodied viper (females tend to be stouter than males and gravid females become noticeably heavy) of forested slopes of the Caucasus region, specifically of Georgia, Turkey, and a small area of Russia.
My 3 were housed in a naturalistic terrarium having a substrate of scree, 3 snake-sized caves, and a few live plantings. Of course a small dish of clean water was always present.
The little snakes quickly settled in and within days were accepting large prefrozen fuzzies from forceps. As spring turned to summer and summer to autumn, the vipers began breeding. They were cooled for about 60 days, and when warmed they again resumed breeding. Even during breeding the appetites of all 3 were always good. By late spring the female was noticeably gravid and by midsummer she presented us with 5 beautiful babies.
Sadly many of my records and notes became irretrievable when a recalcitrant computer chose to die so many particulars are now merely memories. But at least I can share a few pix with you. Enjoy.
3 of the 5 Kaznakov's vipers neonates.
A brightly colored female
Vipera kaznakovi
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