A pretty adult Christmas tree phase eyelash viper.
Of the many tree vipers, one or more of the many phases of the Eyelash Viper,
Bothriechis schlegelii, are often the first “hot species” kept as a hobbyist’s herp experience grows. Although this Latin American tree viper is often available in grays, olives, pinks, and oranges, there seem to be 3 phases, the yellow, the tiger, and the Christmas Tree, that are the most popular. All of these are normal and natural colors, designed by Mother Nature. Although they may have been line bred to “improve” or intensify color or contrast, none are the creations of hobbyist breeders. Since Christmas is tomorrow, it seems appropriate that I at least make mention of this color variation.
It was close to a half century ago when Patti and I first visited Costa Rica. On that trip we were fortunate to meet and be shepherded by Peter and Suzi Seigfried. Peter took us up mountains and down into valleys, into the forests, and along streams. And it was along the forested streams that we first became acquainted with eyelash vipers in habitat. The first we saw, a gray baby, was on an afternoon hike. As eyelash vipers go, this was a pretty “blah” but since it was my first I took photo after photo of the snake. Peter assured me that we would actually see some pretty ones before the trip was over. And he was right. The next one was a beautiful yellow (oropel) example and it was in a banana clump right next to the home of one of Peter’s friends. More pix and more assurances from Peter that we would see more of these pit vipers. Another drive and we were at a tiny hotel in Palmar Norte. The next morning we were on the road again and Peter drove us to visit another of his friends at a locale that if I ever knew I have long forgotten. But I haven’t forgotten the snake we saw. Again in bananas, Peter pointed out the most beautiful pit viper I had until then seen. It was big, it was green with pink and red trim, and although I then thought of it then as a “normal phase” I was looking upon my first “Christmas tree” (hobbyist name) eyelash viper. More pix and many, many fond memories. Herping just doesn’t get any better.
Happy Holidays to all.
A closeup of the head of the eyelash viper pictured above.
The yellow "oropel" phase of the eyelash viper is also a hobbyist favorite.
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