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Update and call to action on Ohio animal ban

By Cindy Steinle
Sun, January 9 2011 at 11:33

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Here is a link w/ a letter containing some salient points you can use in your letter.
#1 Elayne Bruckman on 2011-01-09 13:41 (Reply)
Thanks or that Elayne! The most important thing to remember is to be polite. While we may not like their policy, we have come across as intelligent and well worded. Not angry and threatening
#2 Cindy Steinle on 2011-01-09 20:05 (Reply)
Governor John Kasich January 10, 2011
Governor's Office
Riffe Center, 30th Floor
77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215-6108

Dear John:

First order of business, I extend warm congratulations in your newly elected position as governor. I voted for you.

As an Ohio citizen and Crocodile Wildlife Conservationist, I strongly OPPOSE the ban on any type of exotic animals. Please do NOT allow Ted Strickland’s ban on exotics animals to become permanent law in Ohio.

I have worked at both accredited AZA Zoo’s (American Zoological Association) and in the private sector. I am a member of the Crocodile Specialist Group and IUCN (World Conservation Commission).

Currently, in Ohio, I hold Federal USDI permits to propagate and enhance the captive population of several different endangered or critically endangered species of crocodiles and alligators; there are 24 types of crocodilians worldwide. There are two people in the country that possess this type of permit which also covers other species of reptiles for captive breeding such as Indian Pythons (Python molorus molorus). I work with zoos, educational institutions, and private individuals to preserve these rare species. I must stress by no means are these animals a threat to the public. We are working hard to conserve biodiversity.

The ban on “exotics” would be a disaster for Ohio!


Paul Bodnar
Crocodile Wildlife Conservationist
#3 Paul Bodnar on 2011-01-09 20:54 (Reply)

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