CLEVELAND - The Cleveland Animal Protective league rescued more than 20 constrictor snakes from a home in Cleveland Saturday.
Sharon Harvey with the APL tells NewsChannel 5 there is an active investigation surrounding the ownership of these snakes.
Most of the 20 plus snakes rescued were pythons, some upwards of 15-feet-long, according to Harvey.
Under the current exotic animal ordinance, the owner of pythons and other constrictor snakes must obtain a permit.
“This is a perfect example of why we need Governor Kasich and state legislators to sign into permanent law, the dangerous animal law that Governor Strickland put into place before he left,” Harvey said.
Strickland’s dangerous animal law is only a 90 day ordinance at this time.
Harvey stressed proper care needed for these snakes could not be met in a home and could become a danger to the animals as well as the community.
The APL is working with experts who have taken the snakes and will determine the next steps to keep them safe.
The APL received a tip call about these dangerous animals and worked with the city of Cleveland to recover them from the Cleveland home.
It is unclear how the owner obtained these snakes in the first place.
While this case is unusual to the APL, they say they are working with experts to make sure these snakes get to proper care to keep them safe, as well as others.
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