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Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research click here for Rodent Pro

Why can't hobbyist and state agencies work together?

By Varanid
Wed, February 16 2011 at 16:29

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Here in Wisconsin, I know that something similar has been done locally in my area by volunteer groups(and probably still is)involving citzen training, and efforts with searching for and monitoring Blanding's turtles on local parks and conservancy lands. I happened to come across this while I was reading a newsletter of theirs. I have also heard of these citizen efforts being done with salamanders and frogs and toad surveys around the state as well. Of course, some traning beforehand is typically provided in these efforts in identifying the local species, and/or their calls. I can also recall local seminars/presentations/survey efforts being held in and around my area (albeit they were several years ago) on local herp species and their conservation as well, but have been unable to attend these due to conflicts in my schedule.

So, it is taking place, but not nearly as frequently as it should be IMO. Field herpers can and should provide state and local organizations and institutions interested in indigenous herp conservation with useful data, locality, and distributiopn information for the herps found in their state. I myself have come up with a few new county records and vouchers here in Wisconsin over the past several years just out of casual field herping efforts. Perhaps this could be a positive and more effective way for many herpers to be seen as the like minded, concerned, and conservation oriented citizens that they are rather than all just as poachers or commercial collectors.
#1 EricWI on 2011-02-18 00:44 (Reply)
I can tell you that here in TX most of us are afraid to; depending on how local LEOs define "hunting" on a road even handling a road cruised specimen for photos may be illegal. Same with anything found on public land pretty much. THey collect box turtle and horned lizard sightings but that's more or less it.
#2 Varanid on 2011-02-18 08:38 (Reply)
As a WI resident, I can confirm Eric's comment.
In addition, I, as well as other local herp hobbyists, have contacted relevant WI-DNR personnel volunteering to participate in these studies, and have been refused. WI-DNR herpetologists have stated that it is their policy to exclude individuals with any "personal interest" in herps from these studies in order to protect sensitive localities and species of concern.
#3 wireptile on 2011-04-02 12:35 (Reply)

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