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Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research Click here for Edz Exotics

Panel on exotics to replace Ohio ban for now

By Cindy Steinle
Tue, April 5 2011 at 17:11

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"indicate Ohio ranks fourth among the 50 states in dangerous incidents involving big cats, bears, and primates."

Who determined this statistic? HSUS? With the way H$US has cleverly worded this statement, it is made to sound as if exotic pets in Ohio are an epidemic in the state and nationally. However, they conveniently fail to mention the number of deaths that have actually occurred in Ohio, which was four based on what I have been told from those in the Buckeye state. Intellectual dishonesty? Lying by omission? You decide.

I hope Governor Kasich takes to the advice of Senator Tom Carlson from Nebraska and exposes H$US's actions as the "deceptive, unethical, overreaching, and unscrupulous" tactics that they are...
#1 EricWI on 2011-04-06 10:56 (Reply)
just another case of the government making things illegal to put people in jail or fine them. HUGE GOVERNMENT MONEY RACKET !!!
#2 Bob Davis on 2011-04-11 14:36 (Reply)
Ohio is 4th of 50 states in accidents of exoctic animals and only 1 death in 21 years. Seems like many, many more deaths caused by riding a bike.
Being a exotic pet owner sounds safe to me.
#3 Brian Delinski on 2011-04-14 13:23 (Reply)

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